"Thank you." Kd said. He wrapped his conversation up then made his way to Dior house.

Walking into her house he seen her walking around with kasani on her hip as he pulled at her hair frowning.

"Wassup?" He spoke and she looked at him and sighed.

"Look there go your daddy pull his hair." Dior said handing him to kd and kasani mugged her.

"What y'all do today?" Kd asked her as she put her hair in a ponytail.

"Kasani did what he do everyday and abused me and Kori slept his little heart away." Dior said.

Their kids followed the same routine everyday.

Kori woke up ate, used the bathroom, then went back to sleep.

While kasani woke up, cried, used the bathroom, did some more crying, watched tv, abused Dior and then went to sleep.

"What did you do today?" Kd asked as they followed her into the kitchen seeing she was cooking something.

"Just watched them really and my mom came over to watch them while I went to get my nails done." She said and he nodded his head.

"Well I got somewhere to go I'm gone take kasani with me." He said and she looked at him.

"Take him where? I hope not to the trap." She said and he smacked his lips.

"Do you think I'm fucking dumb?" He asked mugging her and she didn't say anything.

"I'm taking him to the mall with me." Kd said and she shook her head.

"Kd he's to young for all that." Dior said.

"He's 5 months Dior and I'm taking him rather you like it or not." He said and she sighed walking out the room.

"Let's go get you dressed." Kd said walking upstairs and putting kasani some clothes on and then grabbing his diaper bag.

He went in Dior room seeing her sitting on the bed with her knees to her chest as she cried.

"What are you crying for?" He asked getting annoyed as she sniffled and dried her tears.

"You act like you don't even care about me nomore all you do is yell at me now and act like my opinion doesn't even matter."

"I know I haven't been a parent as long as you but what I think is best for my babies should matter." She said and kd just left out of the room with kasani who was strapped in his car seat.

Dior dried her tears and then got up from the bed shutting her door.

She was tired of kd treating her like she was a terrible girlfriend. She did everything to keep him happy and pleased and he acted ungrateful.


Kd walked into the mall holding kasani as females started staring at them.

"Awe is this your son he's so cute." Some white girl walked over saying and kd nodded his head.

"Thanks." He said as she reached for kasani cheek making kd smack her hand.

"Don't touch my baby." Kd said walking off and she mugged him watching him go on the escalator.

He was at the mall buying Dior some clothes for the trip he was going to surprise her on.

"Alright lil nigga we gotta get yo momma bathing suit." Kd said walking into a store going to the women's aisle.

"Hell nah all this shit two pieces." He said looking for a one piece as kasani sucked on his pacifier and stared at the girls who walked pass.

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