Chapter 58 : It's Back

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posting all the final chapters of forever rose as a new year gift to everyone ! enjoy ~


"Forget everything you remember about me. Forget that I love you and that you loved me too," He paused. "Live a happy life and find a love greater than mine."

Series of scenes flashed into your mind and it's making your head hurt. The noise around you includes Taehyung screaming your name and for mercy and Luna chanting some foreign language that you don't understand while gripping your head like it's a fortune ball.

You scream in agony, the pain was bearable at first but it felt like it evolved inside of you the longer Luna controls you. With all your strength, you tried to stand up but you just couldn't and you find it impossible. It's unbelievable how you can't overpower Luna when you're at least an inch or two bigger than her.

"Well, that's it for the dance master," You proclaimed, feeling a little goofy.

"Pleasure is all mine," He kissed the back of your hand before he lets you go back to your own business.

Gasping, what you just suddenly saw inside your head was a memory. You just realized that it was a memory, your memory. And Taehyung is in it. As much as you want to see more, whatever Luna's doing is obviously a lot more painful for it.

It felt like you could collapse in a moment because of it. You wish you would. But you just can't. You're forced to kneel in front of these strangers and feel vulnerable with what they're doing to you.

"It's settled then." He stands up. "Eight in the morning, I'll show you something."

He is about to leave your room when you ask, "Where?"

"Just another secret," He smirks. "Goodnight, Astrid." For the first time, he greets you properly with your real name. He leaves your room with an evil smile stretched on his glorious lips.

Tears are streaming down your face. Was it because of the pain that Luna causes? Or was it because of the memories that are coming back inside your head? You don't know. It could be both.

You have no idea why this is happening to you. It's impossible for you to forget all these memories that Luna is showing you. Unless you were caught in an accident or it's all fabricated.

You took a deep breath after Luna's hands stopped groping your head. "Why did you stop?" Hoseok asked.

"Wait a minute," Luna said while catching her breath. You briefly glanced at her and there's blood dripping from her nose. "He erased a lot of memory."

"Astrid, please... Go," Taehyung cried. Looking at him with swollen eyes, you realized that you don't know who to trust between these people anymore.

"What's goin-g on here?" You mumbled. "What did you do to me?" You looked up to Jungkook. He is staring at you with the same innocent smile he gave you earlier the first time you met.

Slowly, he sits down to your level and looked straight into your eyes. "You'll find out. For now, we need your full cooperation. Can you do that?" His voice was so gentle.

"No! I will... not do whatever you want just because you said so. Unless you explain to me—" Your statement got cut after a hand surprisingly strangled you.

With your eyes wide open, you try to breathe for air as Jungkook lifts you up, his hand still freely gripping your neck. It's impossible for someone like him to carry you one-handed.

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