Chapter 9 : Baits

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"Blondie, wake up!" Taehyung fervently shakes your body. Why can't he be at least a little bit gentler? Also, you wished that he would stop calling you by that name, it sounds like a dog.

"What?!" You groaned before slapping his hands away.

"Don't you remember?" You opened one eye and saw how Taehyung is scowling at you. Your morning must have been a lot better if Yeonjun was the one who woke you up.

"What do I need to recall?" You scratched your fuzzy morning hair.

"That you'll die today," He snorted. You stand up from your bed and you were prepared to strangle him when suddenly he showed his fangs. "Go and try." He challenged but you know that you already lost.

"What do you need me for?" You frowned as you put both of your hands on your waist, waiting for his answer. "Can you at least tell me your plan? I'll die anyway." You demanded.

"Okay, is that your death wish?" He raises both of his eyebrows with a smile, clearly taunting you. Nodding your head, you played along before he gestured for you to sit down on the bed.

For the first time, Taehyung plastered a serious look. "Oh god, your face really pisses me off." He muttered and you throw a pillow to his face but as usual, he caught it before it can even touch it.

"Can you just start?" You scowled while he glares at you. You were obviously wrong when you contemplated that he is serious for once.

"The current massacre, you know that right?" You bopped your yes to his question. "Well, those lots are vampires."

"I thought you are immortal? Why did they die?"

"Listen to me first, I'm not yet done." His snarky comment vexed you. "It was a full moon that night, and you know what happens right?"

"Freaking werewolves?" You guessed.

"Yes! Fucking werewolves!" He bellowed and his anger is slowly surfacing. "They decapitated my men, tore their bodies apart!" He growled.

Oh no.

"Hey, calm down." You wanted to tap his shoulder but you just keep your hands to yourself.

"Not just that, they also got some of them and I can't even do anything!" You shouldn't have asked about it. Now, Taehyung is venting his anger onto you.

"Stop shouting you're breaking my eardrums!" You complained and he gives you a deadly glare so you calm yourself. "Just kidding," You nervously laughed. "Anyways, you're a vampire, you can do anything, what stops you?" You diverted the topic.

"You don't get it, blondie! They have Jimin, if I do anything he'll die!" You can see how frustrated he is right now and it somehow bothers you.

"Okay... but who's Jimin?" You asked one last time but then someone else came inside the room.

"Storytime is over. Get ready, Astrid. Dress nicely." Yeonjun said to you.

So it's real? You're really going to die today?

You walked towards the wardrobe and picked a white dress that Yeonjun bought before which seems necessary right now since you'll have your own funeral later. You shooed both guys in the room so that you can prepare alone.

Gloomily, you took a bath and you've lost counts on how many times you've already sighed for your useless life that is coming to an end. You also brushed your teeth so hard because your breath smells unbelievably weird this morning. After washing yourself and getting dressed, you walk outside to the staircase only to hear the four boys arguing.

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