Chapter 18 : Pat De Trandafiri

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"Taehyung, open the fuck up!" Gently placing the bouquet of flowers in your hand, you then shook the gate of his mansion fervently. After your short predicament yesterday, he sent you an address that doesn't exist and how did you know? You tried so hard to hail a cab early in the morning only for the driver to tell you that the address doesn't exist.

Pat de Trandafiri, that was what Taehyung's message said and according to him, that was where he buried Yeonjun's body. At first, you were doubtful if it really was a name of a place and here, you just found out that it's nonexistent so you worried if Taehyung really made a proper burial for his deceased friend.

Squinting your eyes, you rocked the gate with all your might until Taehyung finally pays attention to you on wherever place he is. You're just hoping that the whole neighborhood doesn't mind you being too loud in the morning. "Taehyung!" You growled like a madwoman.

"What?" A voice sounded behind you. To your shock, you jumped and quickly turned around causing your back to hit the rough texture of his old mansion's gate.

"What are you doing... outside?" You questioned while catching your breath. Observing the man in front of you, he doesn't look threatening at all. With his curly and puffy locks in the morning and printed patterns on pajamas paired with his innocent face will really mislead you that he's just a  normal human being.

"Attending a mad guest at an unwelcoming hour." He huffed. Crossing both of his arms in front of him, he also shifted his weight on another foot.

Shaking your head lightly and collecting yourself, you told him what you came for. "I was planning to visit Yeonjun's grave but then you sent me an illusory name of a cemetery."

"Uh, uh, you asked where Yeonjun is buried, not the address." He waved his index finger in front of me.

"Isn't that the same?" You rolled your eyes along with your shoulder that dropped in sheer mental fatigue because of the man in front of you.

"In Taehyung's vocab, those are far different." You literally want to smack away that innocent smile he always put on whenever he's trying to piss you off by acting nicely.

"Okay, then. What's the address?" You cocked your head to the side while impatiently waiting for his answer.

He walked passed you and abruptly opened the gate, "Welcome to my dear cemetery, where old friends are buried peacefully and enemies were incinerated terribly."

"What?" You jiggled your head in confusion.

"Don't worry they're not gonna haunt you." Taehyung grabbed you by the shoulder and pushed you inside his mansion. After hearing the sound of the gate being locked, he led the way towards his own cemetery.

Can this house get even creepier? You questioned yourself. Living in this place for more than a week was enough for you to find out that there is a cemetery somewhere here, but you're too oblivious. Perhaps, being locked up inside the mansion is the reason why you never got to explore the whole place.

You paid attention to the path you and Taehyung are taking. It seems like you're going at the very back of the land. "I figure your dumb self can at least ride a bike, right?" Taehyung asked with a smirk and if only you didn't know what kind of man he is, you might've been so offended with his words.

But what do you expect, he's Taehyung and he's middle name is an insult to everything that you do. You forced yourself to shake your head yes to his question. Just then, he approached an old and weatherbeaten shed. He went inside and once he got out he's carrying a rusty bike. "Here." Now, holding the bike yourself you looked at him. "Follow the trail of roses, I'll meet you there."

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