Chapter 34 : A Secret

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You now find yourself sitting in the middle of Namjoon and Jimin while the three of you listen to Taehyung, who is speaking in front like a damn professor in distress. "First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming here to Meeting de Avance."

"Oh, cut the crap." Namjoon hissed at Taehyung.

"Second, fuck you for interrupting my well-prepared speech." Taehyung's eyeballs turned purple again as he eyed Namjoon from head to toe.

"For goodness' sake, can you just start?" You complained. Crossing both of your arms in front of you, you glared at Taehyung. He smiled at you in the strangest way possible, and you know that it's just one of those habits he pulls off when he's trying to get onto you. So the best way to fire back at him is to be indifferent about it.

If he thinks that you two are quits already, then he's wrong. After what he did to your dad the other day, he'll have to go through the depths of hell to search for your forgiveness.

"I think you all know already why I hid the book..." He then stared at you. "And yes, I'm willing to sacrifice that shitty and old book to have the answer I've been searching for."

"You mean closure, right? Tae, you don't have to lie. We know you wanted Annais' body, and it's fine with the three of us." Jimin tried to decipher Taehyung's words. In your perspective, he's making up an excuse again.

"Unless there's more to it." Namjoon butted in.

"Mr. White here is right. There's more to it, and I'm afraid I can't tell you what it is, as it is more... personal." Taehyung struggled to find the perfect word for the last one, and you rolled your eyes at him. "Now that you're here, I want to tell you that we're going on a mission."

"Where exactly is that mission?" You asked. Cocking your head to the side, you showed Taehyung a displeased look.

"At the wolves' place. We're going to have a meeting and... maybe you know, a surprise... attack?" He shrugged his shoulder with the most obnoxious smile plastered on his face. Your mouth gaped at his statement because of pure confusion.

"What is it really, a meeting or we attack? Because if it'd be the latter, then you know we're outnumbered." Namjoon seemed uninterested in Taehyung's ridiculous plan.

"Well, if the meeting went normal, there wouldn't be a surprise attack unless I feel like killing..." He whispered the last four words to himself. "Anyway, let's expect a more positive outcome. I know Hoseok will retake the deal and—"

"I thought you already had a deal with him?" You arched an eyebrow.

"He sort of got cold feet—"

"You mean he's up to something." Jimin corrected him.

"Cold feet means nervous." Namjoon furrowed his brows at Taehyung's friend.

"In Taehyung's dictionary, that's what he meant smarty-pants." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Thank you for the unnecessary interruption, now fucking let me speak." Taehyung hissed, and the other two lowered their guards after a short misunderstanding. "Okay, so yes, clearly, Hoseok broke the deal—"

"But you said he's not the type to withdraw from one?"

Taehyung gave you another death glare before faking up a smile and answering your question. "Did I say that? I don't think I did. Moving on, again, Hoseok broke the deal, and I'm here to propose something else."

"And that is?"

"A secret," Taehyung answered.


"We've come a long way, and you're still not telling the whole thing to us," You scoffed. Leaning your shoulder on the doorway of Taehyung's opened bedroom, you crossed both of your arms and pierced your eyes at him. Still, you couldn't focus on the man before you because of the paintings of women attached to every side of his room. It's really intriguing, and it took a toll on your curiosity.

He sighed. He didn't even turn to look at you. The vampire just continued packing up things inside his small bag. "Blondie, I'll tell you everything soon. I need you all to trust me on this one."

"Well, that would seem impossible if you keep doing even the tiniest things that are unworthy of my trust." You stand up straight. After a quick debate with yourself, you decided not to take a single step inside Taehyung's room. Because the last time you did, he's prepared to crush your windpipes using his strong hands. "The other reason for your great plan, is it even worth it?" You asked. "I have no intentions of stopping you from getting... Annais' body but, is giving the book to Hoseok the only option? I mean, there could be one that is less dangerous."

"Why? Do you fear danger?" This time, he looked at you with a grin on his face.

"Who doesn't?" You rolled your eyes at him.

"I do." He pouted and shrugged his shoulder before focusing again on what to bring. "Spice up your life a bit. Sometimes sprinkling some danger can be fun."

"I think I've had enough of that since the day you told Yeonjun to abduct my father," You huffed. "Taehyung, think about it. Let's just put that damn book in a paper shredder." You threw your hands up in the air.

In a matter of seconds, Taehyung's body came close to you. The two of you were only inches apart from touching each other. You felt how his eyes are on you, and you don't know where to look at him, on the ground or to his intimidating yet enchanting visuals. "You thought I hadn't tried that? I can't even burn that crap. I know you don't want any part of this, but you're coming, and that's final." Then he turned his back on you again.

"I thought you want me to stay away from you? Is this your way of saying that you want me to die now?" You used his own words against him.

"A sudden realization hit me like a truck, and it said you're not going to die if you're with me." He opened a drawer on his right and pulled out a small tube filled with clear fluid.

"And how did you say so?"

"I'll protect you." Those three words managed to make your heart skip a beat for a moment.

"You, what?"

"Duh, I'll be like your bodyguard or something. That way, you won't die." You can feel him rolling his eyes at you this time.

"Fine, I'll come. Just don't trade the book. Trade something else. Something that is as valuable as it is." You suggested, and you weren't even sure about your idea.

"What are you so afraid of, Astrid? Aren't you happy that people or creatures who hate blood-sucking monsters like me will have the chance to eliminate us finally?" He breathed with a sound of sarcasm in his tone. "Plus, what's important now is to get Annais' body. I have to keep my promise to her."

"Taehyung, that's not what I meant."

"Then what?!" He bellowed. Vexation caused him to sound with such attitude.

"You're gonna die, moron!" You yelled back at him. It frustrates you that whenever he speaks of what he wants to achieve, he always forgets himself. And that's a thing you just realized. He never really does things for his own; he does it for the sake of his loved ones. Thinking that he was always selfish was so wrong of you. "If you're going to give that book that enumerates the only way to erase you to your one great nemesis finally, then there's a huge possibility that he'll go to you, the first thing on the next day."

"So what?" He raised a brow at you.

You huffed a puff of air, "So what?" He waits for your answer, and the only words that came out of your mouth were, "God, I hate you." Before you stormed out.

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