Chapter 40 : Satisfaction

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"Why are you doing this?!" As for someone who never felt so rigged out of humanity before, you had the audacity to spit on Hoseok's face as he ties your hands up using a metal chain with cuffs attached to it. He caged you inside a room that you've never been to.

Actually, you have no idea where you are. Sure, you've already explored Hoseok's house, but this place seems a lot different. "Taehyung never learns," Hoseok muttered. With the help of a white clean cloth he fished from his jeans, he wiped your saliva off of his cheek. "I think this time, he, himself, will try to reflect upon his deeds."

"What did he ever do to you?" You groan in pain. There's something dripping on your right ankle and left leg. As you immediately have an idea of what it was, you already expected that you'd feel weak and powerless.

"He killed my grandfather, and it's my duty as alpha to avenge him," He began. You plant your eyes on him as you focus on what he's trying to say. "Naturally, our pack isn't involved in any quarrels. Not even with the vampires. We try to stay out of any problems as much as possible. Then one day, that son of a bitch and his anger management issues toyed our pack and killed some for fun. Unfortunately, my grandfather is one of them."

"He's dead! What change will it do if you will kill Taehyung?" You were running out of breath, and your vision starts to become disarray. You're losing too much blood, and any time right now, you'll eventually lose consciousness, and if you're not treated sooner, you'll probably die in this cold shelter, and not even your father can mourn your death.

"Perhaps, satisfaction?" Hoseok replied with a smirk painted on his face.

"Well, that's not going to work. He's immortal, and he's not afraid of anything. This will be just one of your failed attempts to make him... surrender," You breathed. As much as you can, you force yourself to stay alert and awake despite your condition. You're exhausted, and your head feels lighter.

"I'm not entirely sure about this one, but I think it has a chance." He moved closer towards you. "You see, if my observations are right. I finally found his liability."

"And that is?"

"You," He blurted out. "As far as I know, Taehyung never came too close to a human except if he needs them as food. But I guess he thinks of you as a friend? Mayhaps, more than that?" He cocked his head to the side. Unlike last time you were terrified of him planning an act of revenge over you. But now, you feel vexed by the way he talks. You thought that no one could ever beat Taehyung at annoying the hell out of you, but now he seems to have a rival in line.

Laughing at his statement, you caught his attention. To your surprise, he grabs your face, one-handed. "I can see what he's ready to do for you, human. And, of course, you don't see that. What can a human being like you even do in a world of beasts and monsters?" You know you should be scared by now, but the drowsy feeling you have distracts you from being mortified. "If I say that I'll take your life, he'll probably trade for his."

"Bold... of you to, assume," You catch your breath. "He won't do that... Oh god, I'm so dizzy," Absentmindedly, you muttered.

"Are you sure about that, Ms. Jones?" He asked.

"He won't trade his life if I'm already dying now," You chuckled. Shaking your head, you managed to give Hoseok the idea that you don't like him touching your face.

"Who said I'm going to kill you now?" He crossed his arms.

"Who said... I need you to kill... me, so that I'll die n-ow?" Your voice turned hoarse, and it gave away too much for an intelligent person like Hoseok. He knew that something is going on with you.

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