Chapter 59 : The Hooded Figure

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"One more thing," He said, sadly. "I have to tell you something important. A reason why you have to do everything that I said."

You internally mocked him inside your head as you are already determined to continue with your plan on keeping him alive. Whatever he says next, you already made a promise to yourself not to turn your back on him. "What is it?" You hummed.

"Remember the book that Hoseok badly wanted to have?" He asked and you nodded. "I burned it."

"Huh? Why?" Your forehead creased.

"I already know what they want to know," He paused. Staring at him, you wait for him to continue. But it seems like he's hesitating on moving forward with his words.

"What is it? Tell me," You demanded.

"I'm not supposed to, but to convince you to go, I will," He sighed. "There's a way on the book on how to turn vampires back to humans."

Your eyes widen. Taehyung as a human? Wouldn't that be dreamy for you? If he's like you then it won't be difficult for your relationship anymore. Everything will be in its right place. "Don't smile, it's not what you're thinking," He popped your little thought bubble as soon as he saw a smile slowly creeping on your face.

"Why? What's wrong?" You squeaked. "Oh..." You suddenly muttered. "If you turn back, it'll be easier for Hoseok to kill you."

"That's not what I'm worried about, Astrid," He shakes his head.

"Then what?"



"To turn back a vampire, a sacrifice must be made," He began. "With the help of a witch or a warlock, you must sacrifice a resurrected angel."

Your heart pounded upon hearing the last words.

In order for Taehyung to live normally, you have to die. There are probably others out there but you're the nearest confirmed resurrected angel that he knows. So keeping that information around when you're here is obviously a risk for you. "Didn't you misread it?" You nervously laughed it off.

"Astrid, I'm not kidding," He whisper-yelled. "Knowing that information is dangerous for you."

"Then why did you tell me? Because we'll find a way out of this, right?" You looked up to him. Your voice sounded too hopeful.

"I just wanted you to follow my instructions for once," He firmly closed his eyelids before massaging his forehead.

"I don't know what to say..." You turned around and gazed into the oblivion. A hand touched your shoulder and you fought the urge to turn around and face him. "Can we talk about this tomorrow?"

"Talking about it tomorrow would change nothing," He sounded so sure.

"I need time to process all of these!" You exclaimed, facing him again. "You dying, me dying or leaving, that sacrifice... Aren't you tired?"

"I am, but I don't have time to rest when any second now, you could be dead. I won't allow that," He firmly stated.

"I won't let you die on my watch either," You said through gritted teeth. Before Taehyung could open his mouth again to say something, you immediately cut him off. "I'm sleeping, good night."

Then you left him hanging in his spot as you stried back inside your room and cry yourself in sleep.


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