Chapter 16 : Fantasy

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You gasped and abruptly sat on your bed the moment you gained consciousness. Looking around, you saw your worried father who is now coming into your aid. "Astrid, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, dad." You took a deep breath. "Where are we?" Your eyes scanned the familiar room and then you realized that there's no point at asking.

You're back in your home.

Missing your dad so much, you hugged him tightly which caught him off guard. "I miss you," You hummed.

"We were just together yesterday," Your dad laughed during the hug which made you crease your forehead.


You break away from the hug, "Really? I don't remember."

"Movie night, remember? We watched Birds Of Prey." Your father tells you but more confusion entered your mind. You've never watched that movie, let alone with your dad.

As you recalled an actual event from last night, your hands landed on your belly and to your surprise, there's no wound. You touched your forehead expecting that there will be a rough surface indicating a scar, but it's perfectly plain and flat. You jumped out of your bed and left your dad baffled inside your room.

With a heart-thumping and an overthinking mind, an unpleasant and obscure realization suddenly hits you.

You were dreaming.

Werewolves, ogres, angels, and vampires are not real. You've had too much of fantasy that it messed up your mind.

A part of you was relieved that none of them exists, especially Taehyung. The other half somehow wishes that they were real for some unknown reasons. Adventurous, that's one word to describe your dream other than dangerous. Perhaps, you wanted those creatures to occur in the actual world because you experienced the thrill of what you always read on books and the thrill you've missed in your childhood because of your illness.

But again, that's just too much fantasy.

"Is everything alright?" Your dad asked behind your back. Turning around, you smiled at him sadly before nodding your head.

You're sad and it's weirding you out. You get that the ending of your dream was a bit sad considering that you were about to die in it. But a thought crosses your mind that perhaps you're gloomy because you actually liked Taehyung's presence.

Shaking the thought off of your head, you went straight to the kitchen to find some cereals in the cabinet only to be greeted by none. "Where's Fruit Loops?" You muttered to yourself.

"Oh, Astrid, I just told Isabella to buy some groceries. In fact, she just got out before you woke up." He informed. The name he mentioned somehow rings a bell and after digging up your brain for some clues on where you heard that name before your mouth fell.

Isabella, she's the one Yeonjun sent to take care of your dad while you're away from home.

They're real.

Halfway the thoughts of vampires being real, you smile but it eventually halted. You don't know how to feel. If they do exist, it means Hoseok really killed Yeonjun.

Your stomach churns in loathe and despair. To you, he was a friend. Regardless of him being the reason why you were always in danger, you can't help but appreciate his good side whenever you two encountered.

After finishing a small breakfast with your dad, Isabella, a woman around her thirties went back and she greeted you as if you've met each other before.

Grabbing your bag and keys, you left home and began to walk towards your book shop. You missed working and drowning yourself with too many fiction stories.

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