Chapter 23 : Prisoners

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After a few more days, you finally felt a lot better. Losing so much blood costs you more than two weeks to finally feel alive again. You're actually lucky that you're still breathing. In most cases, you're probably dead by now.

Today will be the first time that you'll take a full bath. These days, you've been scrubbing yourself with a wet towel to clean yourself. You can't actually wait to take a nice shower after so many days, you kinda felt like you stink already.

Taehyung didn't allow you to go on your own as usual. You don't know why he's suddenly gentle and all towards you. Perhaps, being sick is one of the reasons, and guilt will be the other.

Without any worry, you removed your gown in front of the mirror as he watched you from the back. You're wearing a tank top and shorts underneath so it's not like you're completely naked.

It's finally time to remove the shoulder compress wrapped on you. Whenever Taehyung cleans your wound, you never really looked at it. You know it's awful and it's a mark that will forever stay with you. This will be the first time that you're going to see it.

Slowly, he began to detach it from you and you winced a little. Your gaze focused on the mirror and there you saw Hoseok's bite mark on you. It's like a pattern of huge dots tattooed on your shoulder. But what amazes you, even more, is that you can't see Taehyung's reflection on it. Gradually, you understood how that happened. He's a vampire anything is possible and having no reflection on mirrors can be one of them.

"I'm sorry that I can't do anything about it this time. MJ refused to use their power to heal you," Taehyung almost said it in a whisper.

"It's okay, it's my fault anyway." You shrugged it off with a light-hearted laugh.

"Why did you sacrifice yourself?" He suddenly asked. You already felt that he's on the verge of asking you that question days ago, he was just holding it back because of your condition.

"You'd agree to it if I told you my plan beforehand," You laughed. Before going to Hoseok's place that night, you chugged a whole bottle of juice with the label 'Wolfsbane' from his dungeon. You recalled Taehyung saying that he got an unlimited supply of it. So aside from grabbing a dagger, you had a drink too.

Basically, you just applied their previous scheme before that didn't work out because of Jin and Yoongi. You're glad that everything went well according to your plan. If Hoseok knew that you were hiding something under your sleeve, he might've slit your throat already.

"I never really thought of it," He honestly admitted.

"It's okay. It already happened." You rolled your eyes at him. You don't want him acting like this towards you; sweet and caring. You don't need unnecessary feelings stirring inside of you. "Actually, there's something wrong with me." You turned around and faced him.


"I can't count how many times I've blacked out since I met you. Have you keep in track?"

"You're dumb. That's why you don't know how to count." Finally, the snarky Taehyung is back. You stick out your tongue at him before you both laugh. "C'mon, you need to take a bath. My nose suffers because of you." He picked a thin strand of my hair and acted like he's pulling me towards the bathroom, when in fact he's only holding it and I'm just going with the flow.


"Do you really need to see them?" Namjoon asked out of worry. The four of you are now sitting in the living room, or more likely the three men in front are trying to convince you not to see Hoseok, Jin, and Yoongi.

"Unlike you all, I at least want to know if they're okay." After my ironic statement, Jimin cackled hysterically like I said something really funny. "What?" You raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"They're okay? It's obvious they're not." Jimin said in between laughs.

"Why do you want to see those rascals?" This time, it was Taehyung who asked a question. He clearly doesn't want you to visit downstairs and meet his evil rivals.

"I just want to talk and maybe make some sense too." You don't know where the words from your mouth are coming from. If they want reasons why you want to visit them, then you don't have it. But you just got a feeling that you should and these men are not helping with it. "Maybe I can make them promise that they'll leave you guys alone from now on. I'm good at persuading." You winked at Taehyung.

"Why are you making it sound like we'll eventually free them?" Jimin scowled at you.

"Aren't we?"

"Hell no." Taehyung quickly responded to your question.

"What?! Then what will happen to them?" You asked. Looking at Namjoon, you gesticulated for him to help you persuade the two vampires but all he did was shrug.

"They're Namjoon's prize. Three instant tickets to a new life." Right, Namjoon has to kill them. But can he really?

"Just let me talk to them assholes!" You burst out. The three of them were surprised at your sudden behavior and even you didn't expect it. You looked at Namjoon who was really the one who seemed shocked about your expression. "I mean, please?" You giggled awkwardly.

Just like what you proclaim yourself to be, you gradually persuaded the lot of them. They didn't allow you to go alone that's why you have three tails following behind you as you go down the dungeon. Those once empty cells are now occupied by three other men.

Why do you really want to see them? Mayhaps because you don't believe that they're actually that evil. That they may leave things at peace through a casual conversation and that is what you're about to try.

The dungeon was dark as usual and none of you even bothered to open the lights, not until you heard someone stumbling. "Ouch!" It was Namjoon's voice.

"Can someone open the lights?" You requested. After hearing the sound of the wind passing in front of you, the lights went on and it was all thanks to Jimin. You looked on the ground and saw Namjoon caressing his knees.

"Stupid," Taehyung remarked. You glared at him before you help the poor angel get on his feet again.

"So, where are they?" Taehyung pointed at another dark path and you pushed him to lead the way which made him laugh seeing how scared you are of what might jump on you there.

Once you reached the alley with cells, you looked at them, confused. "Okay? Where are they?"

"I swear they're here!" Jimin exclaimed in frustration. Who wouldn't be stressed out if the cells that are supposedly occupied by your worst enemies are now empty.

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