Chapter 46 : Family

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2020 has been a terrible year and i do understand that we wanted to have fun for a while. but please if you can, don't waste an entire year of safety for a few minutes of leisure. if ever that you will celebrate, please take extra precautions for yourself and the people around you.

happy holidays ~ keep yourself warm! remember to stay hydrated (:


The morning greeted you with a sudden movement on your bed. You flinched and opened an eye to peek at the person sitting at the edge.

"Jimin!" You instinctively pulled the sheets a little higher to cover your top. "How did you get in here?" Like a machine, your eyebrows moved and formed a straight line.

"Were you still expecting me to spit fire to remember that I'm not human?" He sarcastically remarked. "So, how was your date yesterday?"

"You barged in here for that?" You can't help but arch an eyebrow at the man who's arrogantly sitting on your bed. "You could've asked Taehyung instead." Early in the morning, you're already sentenced for a sour mood.

"I did, and it's your turn. I want to know what you think about my friend." He eyed you from head to your curved toes, examining whatever is evident fron your physical appearance. Jimin stared at you for too long that you sensed that he wanted an answer.

Sighing, you put on an irritated face, "He's nice."

"Nice? Pft," He laughed a little. "Go on, and?" You don't understand how he found humor in this. He covered his mouth sassily to suppress any sound of laughter.

"Get out," You almost said through gritted teeth.

"What?" Disbelief washed all over his face.

"I said get out," You repeated.

Sure, there are no problems for you to ignore Jimin's question. But the idea of Taehyung hearing your heartfelt answers to his friend's question isn't a pleasing thought at all.

Yesterday, he did show his sincerity with his words. He trusted you, and you value that. But if he's really trying to have a go at you, he'll have to do it without any advantages, aside from the fact that you're already smitten to him.

You have to let him work his way towards you. Yes, you're open to having relationships; you're old enough anyway. Still, you want to show him a woman who's determined to choose herself over romance.

You glared at Jimin, and once he was convinced that you're not going to change your mind about rejecting his interview, he huffed like a child and stormed out of your room. You were too awake already to fall back to sleep again. Once he was gone, you jumped out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom.

Today, you promised yourself to visit your dad. You don't want to worry him with your disappearances and constant lies that he had no idea that it was. After all of these things clear and you're void of any danger, the first thing you got in my is to go back home.

Once done, you grabbed your small bag and head outside the room. You were then greeted 'good morning' by two men arguing. The words are incoherently spoken, and you didn't bother to focus. All you have to do is walk freely past them and willingly ignore the two. You're sure that they're just having one of their arguments slash casual conversations.

"One day, right? You'll tell—"

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked who's still eyeing Jimin. You figured it was you who he was asking as it didn't feel right that the question was asked so loudly when Jimin is just in front.

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