Chapter 31 : Bet

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"You didn't tell me you came with a friend." Your dad looked at you with bemused eyes. I didn't know he was coming. You wanted to tell him that, but it's better if you only keep that in mind.

Taehyung is on a single couch sipping from his cup, and until now, you doubt whether it's tea or blood inside of it. He has this evil smirk stuck on his face, but whenever he turns to your father, he puts on an innocent look that can fool anybody.

"I, uhm, he's not my... friend." You hesitantly picked out a word. As soon as you dropped your statement, Taehyung shot you his death glare, and for a second, you felt shivers running down your spine. Well, you both never talked about what you are to each other. It's not necessarily required to declare to one another that you're friends to become one instantly. But due to Taehyung's circumstances, the thought itself isn't applicable.

Vampires and humans were never friends. You have the prey and predator relationship. "So who is he then?" Your father was intrigued. "A batchmate?"

"No," You said.

Who is he really to you? Your great nemesis before? The monster you always dread of? A charity program? Even you don't know the answer to it. You've been through ups and mostly downs, and you will never deny the fact that Taehyung would sometimes endanger your life.

And that's not what a friend should do.

Therefore, out of the blue, you concluded that you really are not in that sort of relationship. Basically, you just wanted to help him—nothing more and nothing less.

"A suitor?" Hudson questioned, and then you choked on your green salad. Taehyung, on the other hand, can't hide his smile away.

"Dad! Stop saying nonsens-e stuff," You exclaimed. As much as possible, you don't want Taehyung enjoying the rest of the day in your house by laughing at you. The old man turned to you with pouty lips, and you can't help but sigh in defeat.

"Why? Would you like it if I court your daughter, Mr. Jones?" Taehyung asked confidently. For a moment there, your heart stopped beating, but after realizing that he's asking it as a joke, you rolled your eyes as a reflex.

"I wouldn't mind. I mean, you're a nice gentleman, polite, and I think you have the capability to protect her." Your lips parted at your dad's compliments to Taehyung. This time you want to clarify if Taehyung is controlling your father's mind.

If only you knew, dad. You thought to yourself.

"Dating my daughter is a huge advantage." Your dad sounded as if he's an online shop trying to market you on his Instagram live.

"Really? I'd love to know what those advantages are, Mr. Jones." He smiled sweetly at the man whose full focus is on Taehyung. Groaning, you leaned back on the couch and continued lazily eating the salad. This upcoming conversation will be your worst nightmare.

"She's independent, smart, and most importantly, loving. I'm betting you all my entire fortune that you'll have experienced genuine happiness with her." Your dad proudly smiles. Taehyung leaned on his seat and looked firmly at you then to your dad.

"You sure about that, Mr. Jones?" His voice was like challenging your father in a poker game where he's going all-in.

"Dad," You chimed in. "Let's not make Taehyung... uncomfortable." The tone of your voice was uncanny rather than confident.

"Oh, believe me, this atmosphere is cozier to me," He smirked. Your dad laughed at his remark, as he thought it was some kind of a joke. "I bet she's actually gonna want me too."

His last statement had you gulping in nervousness. You don't know what he meant by that, and you're thinking that there's a tiny cloud of scheme slowly formulating inside his brain. If he thinks that you're going to go back to his mansion just because he's here making amends with your dad, then he's wrong. He makes you want to stay here until you get answers about his deal with Hoseok. And according to him, he's doing it for you, which is the more reason why you have to know.

"Uh, no." You waved your little index finger in front of you. "What made you say that?" You scoffed. Your dad is laughing at both of you with the idea that you two are only bickering with no serious intentions. Not until Taehyung stood up from his seat and looked directly at your father's eyes.

"You're not seeing and hearing anything." His voice was enchanting, and for a second there, you already know what he's up to.

Just as you were about to get onto your feet and protect your dad from Taehyung's unpredictable actions, he already got you pinned on your seat. "Let me go, asshole!"

"I'm not seeing and hearing anything..." Your dad repeated Taehyung's word, and until then, he stayed still in his place. A plastic smile appeared on the vampire's face.

"Stop bewitching him, or I swear I'm going to—"

"What?" He scoots his face closer to yours, and his movement got you zipping your lips together. Intimidation is one of his ways to shut you up, but not this time. Instead of answering his question, you kneed him in the groin, and it caught him by surprise.

As he was suppressing his anger towards what you did, you headed straight to your dad and tried shaking his shoulders to wake him up from Taehyung's compulsion. "Dad!" When you realized that nothing would work unless Taehyung undoes his doing, you turned around and glared at him.

"Bring him back!" You demanded. The man's hands are now on each side of his waist, looking at you with piercing eyes.

"Not unless you do something for me." He really is true to his words. He is now playing the bad guy by making you feel miserable again.

"So that's why you're here. It would help if you had something for your amazing plan. Figures. What is it?" You crossed your arms in front of your chest and shifted your weight on one foot.

He didn't answer your question. He slowly took a single step to come near you rather than answering your question. As opposed to what he is doing, you wanted to run away. But you didn't. You stood firm on your ground and shivered once his right-hand touches your cheek. Using his thumb, he gently caresses your soft skin while looking at you.

"I just need one thing..." He tilted his head on the side as he moves his face only an inch apart from yours. You immediately closed your eyes tightly as soon as you figured out what he is about to do.

From your cheeks, his hand moved to your chin. His ice mint breath brushing against your skin electrified your senses. Your heart stopped when you felt something slightly touching your lips. "See? You do want me." You gradually opened your eyes with a huge frown plastered on your face.

His thumb landed on your lips, and there you perceived that he was only making fun of you. You swatted his hand away from your face and sneered at him. "Ha-ha-ha, I gave you three laughs. Now, bring back my dad." You clenched your jaws as you saw him wheezing in a corner.

"Not until you promise me you'll come back with me to the mansion." He picked up a small snow globe on a small table next to him and played with it.

"Didn't we talk about this already?" You rolled your eyes. Plopping down on the couch, you gave him an uninterested look. "Besides, I have no mission or so whatever with you. Yeonjun is long gone, and you had the book. It's time for me to return to my old life," You breathed.

"You don't understand—"

"No, Taehyung. I'm staying here. But if you'll tell me what you have in your mind, then it might blow a wind of change." You cut him midway. "What did you want from Hoseok that you had to trade the book?"

"You really want to know?" He twitched his lips on one side.

"Of course. If you're not telling me the whole plan, how can I help you? I'm practically useless already compared to Jimin and Namjoon," You exclaimed.

"Fine," He sighed.

"What is it that you wanted from him?" You repeated.

"I told him that for me to give him the book," He trailed off.


"I told him to bring me Annais."

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