Chapter 38 : Hostile

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You wake up to the pang of pain and discomfort that you feel in your head. Groaning and rolling around your bed made it even worse. Looking around your room, you notice a glass of water neatly placed on top of your bedside table.

Finally, you picked yourself up and grabbed the drink. There's also a capsule next to it, and it's for headaches. You then stepped out of your room and went downstairs after hearing a serious of commentary in the living room. It turns out that Namjoon has the television open, and he's watching the news.

"A famous five-star restaurant in Tyler, Texas named Rossa's Place was robbed last night. According to the owner, Mrs. Giuliani, who came from a vacation yesterday, nothing important was taken as the thief or thieves only took food and a couple of bottles of expensive wines. The police department has no lead aside from a vague picture of a man caught on security cameras before it was destroyed..."

"That's horrible," Namjoon stated. "They could've stolen more." He laughed while spreading some mayonnaise on his bread.

"Taehyung!" You bellowed your anger. Your noise echoed the whole mansion. Taehyung made you look like a fool again and now a criminal. That's why he looked so smug last night. "You're so dead," You whisper to yourself.

"Good morning too, Blondie." The voice sounded behind you. You were ready to kick him in the groin, but when you turned around, he's not there. Roaming your eyes around, you then find him now sitting next to Namjoon.

"You foul lying creature!" You stomped your way towards his direction. Seeing the shock on Namjoon's face because of your words didn't stop you from pulling Taehyung out of the living room by the collar of his shirt.

You noticed how there's still a smile lingering on his lips even though you're basically dragging him. "What's funny?" You snarled at him.

"Nothing." He suppressed his laughter by folding his lips backward in his mouth. You freed his almost ripped shirt from your grip. Hiding his hands in his pockets, he stood there with his amused eyes. "You didn't remember anything last night, do you?"

"I don't care; that happens most of the time if you're drunk."

"You danced to 'Twerk It Like Miley.'"

"Shut up. You got me a criminal record!" You whined. Placing both of your hands on each side of your face, you then cocked your head to the side as you rant. "Do you know what will happen if I end up going to jail for that?"

"Relax, I destroyed every security camera." He replied with assurance in his tone. You, on the other hand, still got doubts about it.

"That's not the only thing that can get us caught! What if there were witnesses who saw us entering? What if the police officers found our fingerprints?"

He rolled his eyes at you. "You're paranoid. If ever that happens, which I reckon not, I'll just erase their memories."

"But how about my conscience?"

"Conscience?" He snorted at your question. "You have one?"

"Don't make me punch you in the face because I have all the energy to do that right now." You threatened him with gritted teeth. He raised his hands up in the air to show surrender and zipped his mouth as he decided to listen to your blabbering. "I can't believe I just did a crime."

"Meh, don't act like you're a saint. I bet you tried stealing money from your dad's wallet before, and you felt nervous but thrilled." He light-heartedly laughed.

"I thought your mouth was zipped?" You arched an eyebrow at glared at him. Sighing, you sit on an empty chair as you stare at the oblivion. "Just don't do that again. I feel worse every time I fucked up, and it takes a toll in my head."

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