Chapter 21 : Percent

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Taehyung knew that everything is going to be just fine. The plan was not from him that's why he is ninety-nine percent sure that it will work. Where did point one go? Any scheme has its own loophole and Taehyung knows that it can be anything or anyone.

He and the rest of the vampire community's life are at stake here. If he will not get ahold of that damn bible, his kind will be screwed. Werewolves will take over and they will be much more superior than them and Taehyung will never get used to it. If that information gets to spread, all he has to do in his immortal and tiring life is to hide from those dogs. "Here," Namjoon carefully passed his blade to him. "Kill Hoseok's wolves first." Taehyung knows why Namjoon willingly gives him his blade. He's scared of killing demons when he's supposed to be doing the job.

He accepted the weapon with a wide grin on his face. Looking at Namjoon he somewhat trusts him despite them feuding about being a chicken and a mosquito. Nevertheless, he trusts people so easily and he has to be careful. Namjoon might do what Yoongi and Jin did before.

That's why he has a plan of his own. If everything goes downhill. He will kill Hoseok first.

He's already at a disadvantage here. His pack can unknowingly change without having a full moon. Taehyung knew that it has something to do with the coven of witches that is on Hoseok's side.

Two years ago, Taehyung killed a woman named Sera. He didn't know that she was the current sovereign of the Cybel Union at that time. Her coven loathed Taehyung but for all he cares, they can burn him in their minds and he wouldn't give a fuck. It was also the reason why MJ's coven is indebted to him. The two unions don't really get along because of some wicked and bloody history of witches and warlocks in Massachusetts.

As of now, Taehyung heard that the new sovereign of the Cybel Union is extremely powerful. But he believes in himself that those witches will kneel down before him once he got ahold of their sovereign's throat. That point one percent of failure is nothing to worry about. Besides, he got an angel and a whole coven of muscular men to back him up. Not unlike that girl named Astrid.

Oh, how he hates that woman. Every time he sees her face was like torture for him. Flashbacks from that miserable event on his lifetime annoy the hell out of him. It frustrates Taehyung even more because he can't do anything about it.

He wants to kill you. He really does. But just like how you got fond of Yeonjun, Taehyung felt the same to you. And he hates himself for it.

He wants justice for what happened to Annais. He promised himself that he will not repeat the same mistake that he did more than two centuries ago. But there is something in you that makes him forget how vicious you were before. Mayhaps, it's your persistence? Your dedication and loyalty to a friend you just met? Or maybe he just likes having someone to tease with? He will never know the answer.

Speaking of Astrid, he is curious about what you are up to right now. Taehyung excluded you from the plan with the thought of you getting in danger. He has no idea why he feels the need to protect you. To convince himself that he's not turning ballistic, he thinks that it was Yeonjun's influence on him and Taehyung will gladly kill him in a different life because of it.

Shrugging off the unnecessary thoughts, Taehyung nodded at Namjoon with boosting self-esteem painted in a smile. They both sprinted away and are now ready to take Namjoon's plan into action. Taehyung isn't hoping it will turn out good. He knows that sooner or later, he will feed Hoseok's head to the fishes.


Having everything that you need inside your bag, you hailed a cab and told Hoseok's address. There's no way that you'll stay out of this plan. You worked so hard to convince Taehyung and yet he still believes that you can't do anything productive that will contribute something to him.

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