Chapter 39 : Hunch

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"I sense something odd between you and that girl." Jimin teased as he tapped Taehyung from the back. In return, the older creature snorted ridiculously. "I know you, and you know I can read in between your lies."

"Well, alright, she's a girl, and that's nothing new." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. As much as possible, he wants to hide the fact that he's beginning to feel mixed signals inside of him about Astrid. Sure, she's pretty, but that face of hers brutally killed his beloved without any warnings.

And in Taehyung's perspective, it's not right to be fond of or even fall in love with the person who murdered his previous lover. It's like betraying their awful deaths, and he's not one to turn his back against his loved ones. His promise to Annais was to avenge her, and now that he was given every chance to cut Astrid's head off, he just can't suddenly do it. Something inside of him stirs and eventually caused him to hesitate.

Maybe because he found tranquility within her, she makes him feel at peace despite all their bickerings. Something that even Annais can't bring out of him. Living a fateful life of more than two hundred years, every day was like a battle, an endless war. And for the first time that he encounters serenity, it was in her. Now that he finds his peace, he longs and will continuously seek for her.

But under certain circumstances, some things need to be taken slowly or not be executed at all.

He's in the middle of risking it all or risking the girl.

"You rarely hook up with women." Jimin stepped inside the lot where the two of them are supposed to meet Hoseok's men.

"Hook up? Since when did you become a millennial?" Taehyung smoothly shifted the topic to avoid being uncomfortable. He's still not sure of what to do with Astrid, but one thing is in his mind right now, it's impossible for him to let her go, at least, not now. No one is certain of what might happen next. And if a series of events asked him to, then for her sake, he will.

She's already involved in his world, and when she gets deeper in it, the dangers she will face might get out of hand. Yes, he can protect her but not to the extent where he'll always be there next to her.

He got his own responsibilities. He needs an answer and justice for his fallen men— by killing Hoseok. He has to keep his promise to Annais. He got loads of enemies to keep an eye on. And he is still running from his past, and the finish line is nowhere to be seen from where he is standing.

But still, he has already made his decision that he'll keep you close until he figures out his whirlwind of emotions.

Jimin moved his shoulders up and down as an answer to his question. He and his friend entered the empty place, and Taehyung already felt a hunch pitching inside his stomach. "Are you sure we'll meet them here?" He asked Jimin.

"Yeah, Jin and Yoongi should be here anytime." Taehyung's forehead creased at the given information. He thought it would be just some random guys who love kneeling before Hoseok.

Seeing those two again would definitely boil his blood. If only he knew that Hoseok would back-out from their deal, he would've caged those two and let them rot down there in his dungeon.

Slowly, he sensed footsteps from afar, and he already knew who is coming. Turning around, he faced the traitors who once promised him that they'd help him. "Pleasure, my dear friends," Jin greeted. The ogre is holding a clip folder with a paper pinned on it, along with a pen in one hand while the other remains suspiciously behind him.

"Friends, my ass," Jimin scoffed. Compared to his friend, Taehyung speaks more harshly, but he does it after cautious observations about the person he'll speak to.

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