Chapter 22 : Grow

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You woke up to the sound of people bickering over a glass of... blood? Instantly, you opened your eyes and lifted yourself up from the bed. The three men looked at you with surprise while you grimaced at them. "Finally, she's awake," Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Hallelujah!" Jimin shouted with a smile on his face.

You observed your surroundings and noticed that there is a huge gauze on your shoulder, dextrose, and an EKG machine next to your bed. Slowly, the thoughts of what happened last time you were awake crept inside your head and you began to wonder how it went. Although it's evident that the outcome was good since Jimin is here too, you want to hear the whole story.

"How are you, Astrid?" Namjoon asked warmly.

"Fine, I guess." You looked over your shoulder and caressed the spot where Hoseok bit you. "What exactly happened?"

"You almost died, the end," Taehyung answered you and you raised a brow at him.

"I'm not talking to you. Namjoon, what happened?" You turned your head to the angel. Hearing a snort from Jimin makes you somehow proud of your clap-back. You just risked your life to save a brat like Taehyung. Why do you even still bother helping him?

"Hoseok is currently downstairs in Taehyung's dungeon. While Jin and Yoongi are in a different cell," Namjoon explained. You heave a sigh of relief, at least they're still alive.

"What about those witches and other werewolves?" You asked for more information.

"Dead, duh." Taehyung was the one who answered again this time. You scowled and showed him your curled fist and he acted as if he's scared which actually made you giggle and he followed after you. What? What the hell was that? You saw how his teeth finally showed up after a long time of being with him.

Maybe it's Jimin's effect. Now that his best friend is out of the werewolves captivity, perhaps Taehyung will be much livelier now. Although you wished that Yeonjun could be here too.

"So, what have you guys been up to while I was out?" You pulled up the sheets more to cover your legs as it is a little bit exposed because of your hospital gown and the atmosphere of the room seems cold.

"We were just forcing Joonie here to try blood since he lost at a game," Jimin informed. He snatched the cup from Taehyung and took a sip from it.

You bend both of your knees and hugged them as you stare at the three gorgeous men standing right in front of you. "What game?" You twitched your lips on the side.

"He counted to thirteen, while Taehyung and I ran out of fingers to count with." A smug smile appeared again on the slender and small man.

"And that's the number of?"

"People we killed," Namjoon answered to you. Taehyung and Jimin are really looking proud of themselves after what the taller man said.

These idiots.


Your tummy growling broke the silence between you and Taehyung. Namjoon went out to check on his grandma while Jimin left for a hunt because apparently, according to him, he's starving again. "Stay here, I'll get you hot noodles," Taehyung said.

"I don't like noodles," You pouted. The guy rolled his eyes at you like it's now a hobby of him. Pressing your hand on your stomach, it rumbled once more. Taehyung cocked his head on the side and stared at you with a wide grin. "Fine," You gave up.

Speedily, he got out of the room. You turned on the television and stopped at a channel where the movie 'The Little Prince' is playing midway. You've watched it a couple of times already since you were young and it never failed to melt your heart. Your eyes started to water at the part where the rose began to wither when exactly, Taehyung came in with a pot of noodles.

"Ew, blondie, wipe off your mucus." He ruined the entire momentum. He was just teasing you with the mucus part, you're not even sniffing. It's just that your eyes are not that cooperating well when it comes to movies like this.

"You're just saying that because you're insensitive." You rolled your eyes backward.

"Oh really?" He raises an eyebrow. "Then go ahead and starve." He threatened me by turning around and returning the cooked noodles back to the kitchen.

"Just kidding!" You laughed awkwardly. Fortunately, he still had the decency to serve me the food on a bed tray. "Thanks," You simply said.

Taehyung sat next to you and his gaze landed on the television too. "It's actually my favorite movie." He suddenly mutters which you didn't expect.

After slurping the noodles from your spoon, "Favorite? The Little Prince?" You asked the man and he nodded. Frowning, you nudge him on the shoulder with your elbow and you automatically earned a glare from him. "You're lying," You teased.

"I'm not." He retaliated with his brows formed into one straight line.

"Really? Then what's your favorite line?" You challenged. If he thinks that you're easily persuaded like him, then he got you wrong. He sighed and ignored you. Nudging his arm again, you forced him to say something. "C'mon! This just proves that you're a big fat liar," You snickered.

"Growing up is not the problem, forgetting is." He mumbled and you never actually thought that he'll give an exact line from the book.

"Why is it your favorite quote?" You added a follow-up question.

"What is this? An interview?" Taehyung complained and looked at you in irk.

"Just answer the damn ques— Ah!" You accidentally touched the pot and it burnt your finger.

"Good for you," Taehyung sneered. You curled your fist once again and threatened him that you'll not hesitate to use your weak strength on him. He just sticks his tongue out before moving to a different spot while turning the television off. "Eat up and go back to sleep."

Frowning, you continued devouring your food just like what he said.

After finishing the noodles Taehyung prepared for you, you tried sleeping, but you and your body won't get along. Instead, you faked it and secretly watched over what Taehyung was doing.

When you saw how his face turned to your direction, he then stood up and left the room. Opening your eyes widely, you contemplated what he was going to do. You actually thought of following him outside, but shortly, the knob twisted so you had to close your eyes again.

You felt his presence sitting next to you. He gently grabbed your hand and placed an ointment on the finger you burnt earlier. "I know you're still awake," He suddenly speaks. Contrary to what he's saying, you firmly hold your ground and pretend as if you're not hearing anything. "Stupid, your heart beats like crazy, I can hear it," He added.

While he continues to treat your finger, you felt how soft and cold his big hands were. Silence lingered around the room again for a couple of minutes not until Taehyung spoke again. "It's my favorite line because I can't relate to it. Ironic isn't it?" He laughed half-heartedly.

"I might age up but I never grow, I never forget. My mind can recall every single event in my miserable life like it just happened yesterday and I wish things were different for me." He spoke his heart out and you felt guilty for touching a sensitive topic.

This time, you slowly opened your eyes and looked at him. His head hangs low, but when you placed your free hand on top of his, it caught him off guard. "You could've just ignored my question. I'm sorry for asking," You sincerely apologized.

"It's okay, go ahead and rest." He smiled warmly and released both of your hands back on the bed. "You have to gain your strength back. You were out for two weeks. Your father misses you already." He informed.

"Two weeks?!" You exclaimed.

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