Chapter 52 : Breakfast

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As promised, you wake up early today to give your dad a tour in the city. Neither any of you is familiarized with it, so you had to do some research last night.

Instead of the usual morning where you cook your breakfast, you planned to eat outside with him. Once your dad got out of his room, you smiled widely. He really dressed up for this day. "Do I look like a local?" He asked.

"Almost," You teased, and he pouted. "C'mon, let's have breakfast." You linked his arm to yours, and you both head out of your new home.

The sun is unbelievably beautiful today as if it's trying to cheer you up. After having another dream last night, you woke up feeling bad again. You don't precisely remember the dream, but you see a man.

That's all you remember.

Shaking the thought off of your head, you looked one more time with your dad, whose eyes are busy scanning the new environment. You stopped by a nearby breakfast house.

Although your dad is getting better at treating himself right because of his illness, you still insist him on having a proper diet. Within minutes, your food was served.

Your dad keeps whining about you having more tasty meals than his. Playfully, you glared at him and in return, he pretended to zip his mouth. "I'm sorry, Dad. I'm just trying to keep you healthy, hm?" You remarked, sadly. You wait for his reply but instead, he points at his 'zipped' mouth. Sighing with a small beam, you played along and unzipped it.

"Silly child. Of course, I understand." He smiled genuinely, and it broke your heart as you were unable to return it the same way he did. "Does that mean we'll enjoy the day together?"

"Yup. As promised," You munched on another bread.

"That's really good to hear," Your old man laughed. "When we were in Tyler, we rarely bond together because of your bookshop."

That reminded you of how the hell you have so many money right now. You had that bookshop for a reason. Aside from it's your passion to read, it's also where you get your needs financially. You had to handle the shop from daylight to sundown so that you'll have enough money to pay for you and your dad's medicines and treatments.

But now, everything comes easy. And it would be best if you were happy about it, but you're not.

The last time you went to a bank, you checked your savings and someone has been depositing money to your account. You asked the bank teller if it was possible for you to know the mysterious and kind stranger, but the person strictly requested to keep their identity hidden from you.

That itself was too sketchy to not be bothered. You've recalled everyone that you knew would afford to send that kind of huge amount to you, but there's none. And in the first place, why would someone send you money?

Thinking that it was too odd, you told the teller to block that person from sending you money, but the bank teller seemed to only say 'no' to whatever you request about.

"It'll not take long before I find a job. I still have to earn money," And that was what you've decided. You don't know where or to whom that money came from and you think it would be inappropriate for you to use it.

That's one reason why you've brought your credentials here in London. You'll try to apply for a job at a publishing house or whatever available job there is. For the meantime, you'll have to be thrifty about using the money from selling Hunt's Bookshop.

"Can I ask you something?" Your dad's tone suddenly changed.

"Of course, Dad," You playfully rolled your eyes.

"Are you alright?" Upon hearing his question, you almost dropped the utensils that you are using.

"Yes, I am!" You said, trying to sound cheery. Instead of looking at his eyes, you dart your vision back to your food and pretend to be interested in its taste. "You know, Dad? Why not have just a bite? I know you miss it." You pierced a fork on a small portion of the vanilla cake you have and offered it to him.

"I hear you cry in your sleep, Astrid."

Your smile completely fell. Gently, you placed down your fork back on the plate. "What's happening, Dear?" Your father asked.

"I'm alright. Perhaps, those are just the results of my constant late sleeping habit," You shrugged the topic off, but knowing that you are your father's daughter, he wouldn't just let this go.

"You can tell me what's going on," His hand gripped yours, and your eyes instantly became watery.

"Don't make me cry, Dad," Your voice trembled.

"I'm not. It's you who wants to let it all out, but you keep it inside," He lectured. "Now tell me what's going on, so I can help you."

A tear finally escaped my eyes, and I looked down, embarrassed to be seen crying by others. "That's t-he problem, Dad. I don't know what's happening," You sniffed. You grabbed a tissue from the tissue holder on the table and wiped your tears.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" He repeated.

"I just feel... sad," Is all you managed to say.

"Then feel like it," He enunciated which confused you a little. You finally had the courage to look into his eyes again. "I know you've been faking your smiles these days."

"How did you know?"

"I'm your father," He boasted, and you laughed sheepishly. "If you feel sad, angry, jealous, or whatever then show it. There's no such rule that stops you from expressing what you feel. Stop saying you're fine when you're not. Because it's alright if you're not fine."

You smiled sincerely at the man who raised you up. "Thank you, Dad. For understanding," You said.

"Always," He winked. "Is it a man?" You suddenly choked down on your own saliva.

"No!" You exclaimed. "Why does everybody think I'm like this because of a man?" You groaned.

"Because if it is, then this old man will hunt that asshole till the ends of the earth."

"Dad, shh..." You silenced him with a glare. He just shrugged his shoulders once more before finally focusing on his meal for once.

Now that you've got nothing to hide from your father, you thought that things might be a little different for the next days. Because this time you wouldn't have to pretend that you're alright in front of him. "Dad?" You called.


"I love you so much."

"Shh..." He mocked you. But then, he leaned forward and covered the side of his face before whispering, "I love you more." He then ruffles your hair as you laughed at his oldy moves.

Because of that, you slightly hoped that this day would be different from the past ones.

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