Chapter 6 : Bloody Sweet

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"Yeonjun!" Taehyung roared. You can't believe what you're seeing. In a matter of seconds, Yeonjun is already next to you and you looked up at him. He has this terrified look while he is glancing at you. Scratch that, he is looking at your knee wound as well.

You saw how his eye color inverted but unlike Taehyung that is the only change to Yeonjun's appearance. "Get her out of here." The younger boy nodded at the request of the older one.

Yeonjun carries you in his arm and in a swift movement you're already in a room on a bed. "Woah, what's that?" Your eyes fidgeting around your surrounding. How can you be here in a matter of milliseconds? That's impossible.

You look at Yeonjun, his eyes still purple and you moved backward on the bed. As much as possible you want to stay away from this unknown... creatures. "What are you? Answer me!" You demanded, your hands shaking because of fear.

"Taehyung will tell you soon. But first, fix your wound. There are antiseptic and bandages in your drawer. Call me if you ne-"

"I need my injections." You blurted out. Somehow, you were weirded out when Yeonjun suddenly called his master by his first name.

"I beg your pardon?" His forehead wrinkled.

"This isn't just a wound, it's an illness." You sighed. "I have christmas disease."

"Oh, so you bleed excessively?" You nod at his question and tried putting your wounded leg out of the bed so that your blood won't taint the sheets.

At the age of ten, you were told that you have hemophilia B or also called as christmas disease. You were never a fan of playing outside when you were a kid. You were the type of child who prefers academic materials over toys. There was this one time when you tried to take part in a game outside with your neighbors before. Of course, a child who is carefree like you would trip anytime and when you did, you cried not because of the pain but because of how bloody it was.

Sometimes when you read books, it's impossible not to get a paper cut and you would be pissed because blood would sometimes drip on the pages. What's more dreadful than simple paper cuts bleeding too much?

Freaking monthly period. Every month your usage of tamps and sanitary napkins are unbelievably expensive.

"I need to go home, my treatments are there." You pleaded as soon as you thought that your illness might be your way out of this hell hole.

"Stay here, I'll get them." Your pupils widened.

"No, don't-" But before you can even finish your sentence he already got out of the room to do what he just said.

You plopped your whole body down the bed in despair. When suddenly the door sprang open and you looked the person who entered without any notice. "Here," Your jaw dropped when you saw Yeonjun holding your syringes and cannulas.

His shoulder goes up and down as he closed the door, he totally ran from this mansion to your house which is miles away from here. But still, how can he be that fast? You noticed that the veins on his face started to surface as well.

He passed the tools and the small tubes of concentrated clotting factors that I don't have. You used the cannula to let the fluid slowly drip. You still have to wait for minutes before your therapy affects your wound. For now, Yeonjun gave you a towel to wipe the blood from your knee.

It was all peace and quiet when someone literally crashed the door. You cover yourself underneath the sheets to avoid getting cuts from the pieces of wood flying around.

"Why can I still smell her fucking blood downstairs?!" It was Taehyung's voice. Someone pulled the blankets off of you and your eyes met purple ones.

Forever Rose ✓ k.thOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora