Chapter 1 : Captive

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Tyler, Texas 2020

You woke up early in the morning to go to your job. "Dad! Come down, I made breakfast," Placing the fried steaks and eggs on one plate, you began to fix the table. Your old man finally entered the small dining area of your house and he sat at his usual spot.

You grabbed a glass and filled it with water before serving it to your dad. His legs have been impaired since the past year and because of that, he cannot attend to his job at the construction services. It was also your idea why he left his job. You forced him to just rest in your house since you own a bookshop that can provide you income that will suffice your needs.

To you, he is the most precious person in your life.

"What time will you come home later?" You laughed at your dad's question.

"I haven't even been to work and you're asking me to come back already." You smiled sheepishly. Taking a piece of meat on your plate you began to eat.

"I just have a bad feeling about today. Why don't you leave work just for one day?" Your old man suggested and you sighed.

"Dad, you know I can't." You beamed sadly at him. "As much as I want to spend the day with you, you know I have to open the shop to earn money for our needs."

For the past few days after the massacre on the street of E. Erwin, he has been acting like this and you don't know why. He always says that he feels bad about every other day but nothing really happens so you ignored your father's warning.

You saw the sadness glimmering in your father's eyes so you took a deep breath. "How about we watch a movie later? Hm?" You placed your hand on him and at last, he smiled at you.

"Okay, be sure you'll be back home soon."

"I will."


You hate the fact that people rarely appreciate books and it is not because it is what you are bargaining but because you have no one to relate to. You felt like you've already read all the books in your shop and yet people with a real interest in books seldomly come to your shop.

You promptly heard the bell ring and you stand on your feet to welcome potential customers but you just greeted two of the most familiar people in your life. "Kayla, Merlie, what are you doing here?" You groaned.

You love them, but you will not deny that sometimes they can be a pain in the ass. "There's a party later, will you come?" Kayla, your brunette friend asked.

"I can't. I'm having a movie night with dad," You pouted.

"Ugh! When will you come with us then?" It was Merlie who complained. Merlie is your blonde friend who pisses you the most at abrupt moments. Regardless of her whiny attitude, she still has some nice in her that's why you control your temper and you still continue being her friend.

"I promise I'll tell you if I suddenly have free time," You bat your eyes. What you just said was impossible. Before you would only open your bookshop during the weekdays but since you now have an insufficient source of necessities you had to open every day. If only you don't need rest, you would open this store twenty-four-seven in a heartbeat.

"Hey, Astrid. Do you have any books about werewolves or something like that?" Kayla asked and you grinned widely.

"Why are you suddenly curious about those things?"

"Well, I just watched this good movie the other day and I can't stop thinking about it." She squealed.

"I'm assuming you're galvanizing about it because wolves have abs right?" Merlie clearly comprehended the wrong idea.

"No, I'm just plain curious, no lustful stuff or anything involved." Kayla rolled her eyes. Laughing at the both of them, you handed Kayla a book with all the information about the legendary fictitious werewolves.

The two stayed for a bit of chitchat and after being bored they skedaddled. You, on the other hand, started reading another book from the shelves while you wait for a customer to arrive.

The night has fallen and you promised your poor dad a movie night today. After locking your shop, you walked home considering that your house is not that further from the central.

Ignoring the strange feeling evolving around the ambiance of an empty street, you continued to walk. From afar you saw your house and none of the lights were turned on outside.

You heave a sigh of dismay, thinking that your dad must've forgotten to turn it on. Once you reached your house's front door you knocked and called for your dad. You waited for a bit and yet no one answered.

You knocked again, only this time, louder than the first. "Dad!" You yelled.

Maybe he is sleeping. Your subconscious told you something positive in order to avoid panicking. Giving up, you stepped away from the mat your standing onto and lifted it up expecting to see a spare key.

But there isn't.

You began to search every hiding spot you can think of but you can't find the damn key. "Dad! I know you're here, please open up the door!" You chose to stay buoyant.

Still, no one is answering.

You knocked your door until your fist hurts but nothing new is happening. This is the time that you started to worry. You dialed your dad's phone number but then you heard its ringtone from a near distance.

He left his phone in the living room, great.

Having no choice, you continue to bang you the wooden door with more ferocity. "Dad! Open up!"

Thinking of another way in, you remembered the back door. You circled around your house and noticed the door at the back opened freely.

Your perturbation for your dad started to creep inside your head so you run towards the only entrance available and noticed that nothing has changed.

No broken shards of glass, ruined furniture, or messy atmosphere. You ran upstairs to your dad's room and he is not there. You searched your small house, even the attic, but even his shadow is nowhere to be seen.

You sat in the living room with your fingernails in your mouth. You took your dad's phone from the center table and you instantly dropped it when you felt a gooey liquid on it.

Looking at your hand, there you saw blood.

You looked around the living room to see any hints where your dad might be and you can't believe that you just missed an enormous clue placed just right in front of you.

A hundred thoughts raced inside your mind. You worried about your father.

There was an address written on the wall, you wanted to be relieved knowing the location of your dad but you know you can't.

Especially when the letters on the wall of your house was written with someone's blood. 

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