Chapter 26 : Watch & Learn

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"Can you please wake Jimin up?" You asked Taehyung, who's all dressed for your short meeting.

"He's not asleep," He sneered at you before rolling his eyes.

"Vampires don't sleep. I thought you knew," Namjoon finally got down from his temporary room. Since none of them seems to be bothered about the current escapade of their enemies and now yours as well, you told them to wake up early today to train you on how to at least defend yourself against them.

"They don't? Then what's the purpose of your bed?" You looked at Taehyung with squinted eyes, and he answered through a certain motion formed by his eyebrows and the way the side of his lips lifted.

While you are shaking your head and huffing a puff of air in annoyance, Namjoon, on the other side, is starting his little morning warm-up.

At least someone other than me is serious about this. You thought to yourself.

"C'mon, let's go." You told the boys and grabbed the keys of Taehyung's car on the cabinet. Abruptly, he grabbed it from you and tossed it back on where you picked it up. "What're you doing?"

"You want proper training? We're going to the forest. We won't need a car." He smiled at you before pulling you outside his mansion.

When the three of you got out, Namjoon suddenly vanished into thin air, and you witnessed how he camouflaged himself in the surroundings. "Woah, what the hell was that?" You asked Taehyung in pure astonishment.

"He's invisible. Do you think he wants humans to see his big ass wings floating in the sky? Sometimes, use your coconut shell, blondie." Oh, how you missed that nickname of yours. You really feel the need to punch him already. But since he's willing to help you survive the depths of hell, also known as Hoseok's wrath towards you, then you thought about being nice to him in the meantime.

It took a matter of seconds before he suddenly carried you bridal-style, which have you shrieking in shock. "What are you doing?!" You exclaimed. Seeing how Taehyung grimaced at your noise, he must be irritated at your loudness.

After recovering his sense of hearing, he ignored your question and zoomed like a damn superhero in the movies. You wanted to look away from his face, but everything is going fast when you look around, and it makes you nauseous. So, you have no choice but to bury your head on his chest while he continues to travel vampire-style.

It was like a rollercoaster ride, and you wanted it to stop earlier. When everything finally stopped moving around, Taehyung gently placed you down on the grass while he catches his breath. "You're burdensome," He comments. "Like literally," He adds.

You have no time to answer anything as you were busy massaging your head. Closing your eyes tightly, you set your mind to focus on being stable, but everything keeps turning around every time you open your visions.

The three of you spent a couple of minutes to let your senses calm down. You all also agreed that Namjoon would be the one who'll take you home later since there's no vehicle available nearby and Taehyung being your service already took a toll on your motion sickness.

"Okay, first, watch, and learn. Namjoon and I will have a simple-combat," Taehyung announced.

"Wait. What?" The tall angel looked at the vampire with a confused face.

Ignoring Namjoon's worries, Taehyung continued his speech. "Watch and learn, alright?" He repeated, and you nodded your head. You sat properly on the ground, and you fixed your focus on them.

Without warning, Taehyung attempted for a high kick, but Namjoon quickly dodged it with his arm. In a blink, the angel twisted Taehyung's leg causing him to fall flat on the ground.

You gasped, but eventually, it was replaced with laughter. Oh, this is going to be so much fun. You heard Taehyung growling, and the sudden move from Namjoon might've offended him. "What? Should I go easy on you?" Namjoon provoked, and you mentally slapped your face for it. Knowing Taehyung, he'll probably run his anger and might literally kick Namjoon's ass back to heaven.

"Hell no," After smirking, Taehyung lessens the distance between him and Namjoon by sprinting towards the taller man. Everything happened in a flash. You are informed that they're supernaturals, but you didn't have any idea how messy it can be when they're not in an actual battle.

The leaves underneath them ruffle as they both spin each other around so fast as if they're a tornado of chaos. Not everything is visible to you. Namjoon and Taehyung seem to be a whirlwind that never ends. Every movement is too fast that blinking an eye would miss a couple of actions.

Finally, when they're separated, you noticed both of their hair tousled. Later on, Namjoon decided to use his fist to oust Taehyung, but before he can even give him a blow, Taehyung made a low sweep kick at the very last second. Namjoon being the only careless angel you knew, fell for Taehyung's trick and caused his face to meet the ground. Taehyung flipped him over, and the moment you saw his fangs coming out, you know you had to intrude.

"Taehyung, stop!" You bellowed. On the other hand, Namjoon cocked his head on a different side with a howl of pain. Thankfully, Taehyung listened to you and willingly freed Namjoon from his captivity.

"Your turn, blondie." He walked next to you and helped you get up.

"I haven't learned anything from your duel." You frowned.

"Just beat the shit out of him; I'll tell you what to improve." He pushes you gently in the middle of their small battlefield, where Namjoon is still struggling to gather himself up.

"Hey, are you okay?" You reached out your hand to help Namjoon, and he gladly accepted it. He nods at your question before muttering the word, thanks.

"You sure about this?" The question reminded you of the first day you two met. So, you bopped your head yes and smiled at him. "Okay, I won't go easy on you even if you are a girl. No one does that in a real fight."

"Cut the dialogues! Action!" Taehyung bellowed from afar. Namjoon and you both groaned at the arrogance of the man from a distance. But as Taehyung signaled, you put on a proper stance and held both of your fists just right in front of your chest.

Namjoon did the same, and gradually, you both circled, waiting for one of you who will attack first. Since Namjoon looks like he's not gonna smack you anytime soon, you initiated the first move, and he successfully blocked your attack. You didn't expect that he'll return the blow that soon, and it caught you off guard. You stepped back, and you accidentally slipped.

But before you can even touch the dirt, a hand holds you from the back, and when you opened your eyes, you saw Taehyung on top of you. Both your faces are flustered by the scents of each other entering your senses. You quickly tapped Taehyung's arm, and his gaze that was locked in your eyes drifted away as he lifted you.

"Uhm, be careful." He struggled for words.

To erase the awkward tension, you laughed it off. "Taehyung, were you worried?" You taunt him.

"Yes! If you create another blood bath, I'll literally eat you out alive." He seemed really pissed off, and it made you giggle even more.

"Okay, if you say so." You smirked.

"And you come here," Taehyung called Namjoon. The angel obediently followed him and Taehyung whispered something in his ear. "I'll get some snacks. Try teaching her more moves. I'll be back in a second." Taehyung told both of you, and before you can even say what food you would like, he already sprinted out of your sights.

"What did he tell you earlier?" You tapped Namjoon on the shoulder.

"He told me to go easy on you," You laughed at his statement. Taehyung must be really thinking that you're not suitable for this.

"That life-sized mosquito, he thinks I'm really that weak, huh?" You huffed. "Don't worry, give your best shot. I wouldn't mind."

"Oh! He also threatened me. If he comes back and you're bleeding, I'm dead." The thought itself made you smile. Was he trying to be protective of you? Or was it just him being Taehyung himself? "That guy is so weird," Namjoon added.

"He really is," You can't hide your smile anymore.

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