Chapter 19 : Book

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"So what's the plan?" You asked Taehyung as you lazily sat on the couch. Returning back to his mansion, he nicely served you with some drinks and snacks which caught you off guard.

"For the nth time, I, don't, know," Taehyung gritted his teeth. You sulked once more at his unsure answer before you grabbed a piece of cookie from the silver platter.

"If angels are swarming around the world, why does Hoseok's pack is still alive?" You chewed your food after you dropped your piece.

As he firmly leaned back on his seat, Taehyung crossed his legs and tilted his head on the side while he rolled his eyes. "They work with witches, the Cybel Union to be exact. They could've been the hottest coven of witches on this planet but believe me when I say that they're nothing but chimpanzees with big boobs."

"Then, ask for some help from your handsome warlock friends." He can barely understand a thing you just said because your mouth is full.

"I'm not their friend. They just owe me for something I did unintentionally," His tongue poked the side of his cheek.

Grabbing another piece of cookie, you offered him the snack since you were suddenly curious about how a vampire will react at eating something other than human blood. Taehyung noticed what you were doing so he raised a single eyebrow out of disconcertment. You continued reaching the cookie out to him but instead of accepting it, all he did was grimaced.

"What do you think you're doing?" He finally used words as he expressed his bewilderment at your sudden etiquette.

"Eat," You demanded. Shaking the cookie fervently in your hands, Taehyung snatches it away from you and he uses his own hand to crush it into tiny specks of dust. "How dare you waste food like that?! Do you know how many people are suffering from hunger?"

"Blah, blah, blah. Now, eat faster and go home before I skin you alive." He threatened but this time you're used to it. His menacing words don't mean anything to you anymore. "Oh, and never come back." He stands up to walk away, but then you notice how he flinches and puts his guards up unexpectedly.

In a matter of nanosecond, the doorbell rings and you race your way to the front door to greet the guest. Taehyung watched you from behind with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Slowly, you opened the door and a smile immediately plastered on your face the moment you saw who was behind the door.

"Namjoon! You're back!" You rushed towards him and pulled him in for a tight hug without having any second thoughts. The sudden move might look weird for him but he kindly returns the hug.

"It's good to see you, too," Namjoon breathed.

You were so deep in Namjoon's piquant and delicate fragrance that you didn't realize how long you've been embracing each other not until Taehyung faked a cough. Internally, you growled at him for ruining the moment. Breaking away from the hug, you turned to Taehyung who has a sickening look painted on his face.

"Give me the blade and just get a room," He scoffed.

In a flash, a white, short, keen, and sharp blade zoomed in the air and it accidentally hit Taehyung on his arm. He was obviously not expecting Namjoon's abrupt attack. "You, weak-willed Evangelion. Oh, fuck!" Taehyung exclaimed.

Your eyes grew bigger the moment you see how Taehyung's wound spread from one place to another. "What's happening to him?" Panicky, you tilted your head to Namjoon.

"Vampires are demons too. Even though we can't kill them with our blades, it can bring them discomfort," Namjoon explained. Your mouth continues to hang in perplexity as you shift your gaze back to Taehyung who's currently agonizing in pain.

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