Chapter 11 : Legend Says

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You waited for a few days for an angel to come yet there's none. The two warlocks assured you that the spell worked. Taehyung, on the other hand, got impatient so he told you that you'll go back to Tyler today.

"Can't we wait for another day?" You persuaded Taehyung who is busy drinking his liquor inside the kitchen.

"It didn't work, we'll find another way once we get back in Tyler." He sighed. He is already discouraged and so are you, but you have a good feeling about this day.

"Please? While I'm nice." You pouted and he rolled his eyes at you.

"You were never nice." He scoffed before sipping on his glass again.

"Maybe I was, considering that you said I was an angel before." You placed both of your hands at each side of your waist.

He finished another glass of his liquor so he poured another batch. "In the real world angels don't do nice. They kill people, they kill demons." He said.

"Then, why are you still alive?" You remarked and he rolled his eyes once more.

"Fortunately the heavens haven't found any weapons against vampires. Just the common stake at the heart, beheading, fire, sunlight, and ripping our hearts out." He smiled at you, a creepy one.

"You trust me that much, don't you?" You snorted. He just enumerated to you the ways on how you can overpower him.

He shakes his head, "Nah, you'll be dead before you can come at me."

"So back to the main topic," You divert the attention from your death to the original subject. "Did I kill many demons before?" You asked.

"If you've reincarnated as a human being, then you've killed tons of them." He took a deep breath. "When I say demons, I'm referring to werewolves."

"You mean I've been killing werewolves before?" You frowned in disbelief. This weak body of yours killed dozens of werewolves? That's impossible. Taehyung nodded at your question and you gaped. "Wow, what a twist. No wonder why that one wolf scratched my face."

After Felix and Johnny channeled you to summon an angel, they also fixed the hideous scar on your face. It disappeared without any trace and you're thankful for it.

"I was an angel and you hate them, you hate me. Why?" You wondered. From the other day, your head keeps spinning around the thought of why Taehyung loathes angels.

Maybe that's the reason why he was furious at you the first time you met even though you did nothing to him unless you did something in the past."Do you really want to know the answer to that?" He huffed.

"Of course, I do! At least I know why all your veins come up in anger when you always see me." You scoffed and sat next to him. "C'mon, I'm all ears." You smiled wickedly.

He abruptly placed his glass down before starting. "Legend says angels are the people who are blessed by the heavens with a second chance to live."

"Meaning, they can reincarnate."

"Can you for once listen first before saying something?" He jeered and you acted as if closing the zipper on your mouth. "In order to live again on Earth, they have to kill forty-four demons. They can be anything. Ogres, werewolves, goblins, and more, except for vampires. Their blades don't work on us."

"Then why are you angry at me? An angel can't kill you." You retaliated. Hearing that you didn't even harm him before makes you furious for some reason since you've really done nothing to him, even before.

He glared at you once more and you know why. Zipping your mouth once more, you sat properly to hear the next of his stories. "Twenty-ninth day of December, year nineteen fifty, you suddenly swooped down and killed someone very precious to me. She was someone who never wished to be a flesh-eating monster. All she ever wanted was to live a normal life. Unlike me, she remained pure and innocent. She didn't kill anybody."

You saw tears brimming at the edge of Taehyung's eyes. His grip on his glass tightens even more. "What is she?" You bravely asked.

"She is a werewolf." Your eyebrows formed a straight line. You learned that wolves and vampires are supposedly enemies. Remembering what happened the past few days, it proved to be true, but how can he be close friends with one?

"Do you remember her name?"

"Of course," He sniffed before looking at you. "You killed my girl, you killed Annais." The glass he is holding breaks in his hands and blood is spilling from it.

Your face dropped at the name he mentioned.

You killed the beautiful girl on the enormous painting at his mansion in Tyler.

You killed his girl.


After the short storytelling, everything else became awkward. Taehyung agreed to stay for now and if there's still no signs of an angel knocking on your door, then you will leave first thing in the morning.

You quietly had your dinner alone in the kitchen while Taehyung hunts his food outside.

Now that you know the reason for Taehyung's hatred towards you, you became speechless as if you don't know how to talk to him anymore. You even felt more indebted to help him with his friends.

Should you say sorry? But how? You don't even remember how it happened. You feel like it has nothing to do with you yet you feel guilty.

Are angels really like that? Were you really that cruel in the past?

You sat down the couch and turned on the television. The news about the big massacre in Tyler emerged on the screen. More than thirty people died and some are still missing. You assumed that Taehyung's friend named Jimin is one of those missing persons.

Seeing that there's nothing good playing on the television. You stand up and went to your current bedroom to get some goodnight sleep.

"Astrid, let's go." You heard Taehyung knocking on your door, indicating that no angel passed by. Maybe the spell didn't work.

You were already awake before Taehyung knocked. You were deprived of sleep last night because of so many thoughts running inside your head.

Jumping out your bed, "I'm coming!" You answered. Fixing your stuff, you didn't have many things to pack since you've only stayed here for a few days.

After taking a shower, you came out of your room and saw Taehyung holding his car keys with his head lowered down, not until he saw you coming. "I'm ready," You enunciated and he only nodded his head.

You can definitely spell the word awkward inside this house. Both of you were prepared to go out with your bags when Taehyung forgot something else inside his room. He passed you the car keys so that you can start fixing your items of baggage in the compartment.

But when you opened the front door a tall man with an angry look was standing outside. "Hey, may I help you?"

"Who summoned me?"

Your heart leaped in joy. An angel appeared, Taehyung and you can now have a way to save his friends.

"What is your name, angel?" You asked the man.

"Namjoon, the name is Namjoon Kim."

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