Chapter 42 : Like

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another peace offering because of a late update, lmao. happy reading !


Your world turns upside down when you hear Jimin's dismay over the phone. That just means one thing; Taehyung's warlock frenemies are not coming to save him. Jimin tries to place his hand on his friend's chest one more time and mutter a curse word after feeling the same movement. "What are we going to do? How about the wolfsbane?" You panic. 

"We're not risking anything." He waves his index finger in front of him.

"Then what?!" You can't help but raise your voice. Worrying consumes you, and you're never good at handling it.

"I don't know, Astrid!" His pupils dilate because of frustration as he exclaims. He sits down on the chair and buries his face in his palms. "I don't know." His tone is discouraged.

"Give me Taehyung's phone." Jimin looks at you with doubt in his eyes, but a second later, he passes the device to you.

You scroll down through Taehyung's contacts and search for Felix's name. Copying his number on your phone, without further ado, you call him, and as you expect, he answers his phone. "Hello? Who is this?" His deep voice booms through the speakers of your phone.

"Hey, uhm, it's Astrid. You might not remem-"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to talk to-"

"Wait! Please! We just need your help." Fortunately, the warlock is still on call. "Please..." You beg. The other line remained silent. Looking at Jimin, you notice how he is being hopeful too.

"I might get kicked out of the union for this." Fear envelops his voice.

"Your sovereign isn't that mean. He'll accept you back. I just know it." You try your best to sound positive to make it work with him.

"What will I get out of this anyway?" Shit, he's asking for something in return.

"Whatever you need. Right, Jimin?" You call the vampire's name, and he is very attentive. Immediately, he answers 'yes,' and you make sure that it was audible for Felix.

He sighs, "Okay, I'll be there in an hour." With that, glitters sparkle in your eyes in happiness.

"Thank you so much! We owe you for this!" You exclaim.

"Just don't tell anyone else about this." You hum as a sign of agreeing with his condition, and after that, he hangs up the call. Jimin heaves a sigh of relief after hearing the conversation on the phone.

"Well, that was easy. How come you called someone who would disagree?" You grin at the guy.

"I called the sovereign himself. Of course, he would say no to me." He shakes his head and rolls his eyes at me.

"Well, that's so stupid of you." You click your tongue and fake disappointment in your tone. Shifting your attention, you look at Taehyung and feel bad again for him.

This is your fault. Your subconscious blames you, but you know that it's the truth. It is your fault. He said he would protect you, and he sticks to his words. But who will protect him?


That's ridiculous. Earning a couple of scratches can even lead you to death. You're not fit to keep him close to you. He'll be the death of you, and so will you to his. And you don't want that. No one deserves to be in danger here. Especially not for you.

"What if the warlock doesn't know what to do with him?" Jimin inquires. You both have the same look on your face. Fear and worry. And that is never a good combination.

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