Chapter 57 : Finally

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"Where's Namjoon? Jimin?" You jumped out of bed to level your figure against the tall stranger. Instead of feeling ease, his strange calm aura bothers you.

"Oh, darling. They'll be back. Don't you worry," He laughed gently. "So, don't you want to see Taehyung?"

"You know him?" It felt like your ears stood up straight like an antenna. Your facial expression is of a puppy who's expectant of treats.

"Of course, I do." Involuntarily, your lips curved upward while your eyes did the opposite. This is what you've been waiting for, and the bridge is just right in front of you.

"Then, let's go!" You exclaimed with a huge smile plastered on your face. Walking past him, you lead the way out, but his fake cough got your heels stopping.

"I hate to break it to you, but he asked me not to send any visitor to him," He sounded sincerely apologetic.

"What?" Your forehead creased. "Why?"

"Perhaps, personal reasons? I'm not really aware." He shrugged off his shoulders; his hands clasped together as he spoke to you.

"Please take me to him." The words just automatically slipped from your mouth. "Please," You repeated.

"And why?"

"I need answers. I've been dreaming about him lately, and it just doesn't make sense," You fumbled with your words. Up until now, you can't explain the reason why you have to see him properly. This sudden feeling inside of you acted on its own. Not that you didn't want to, but you didn't like what it got you in.

"I don't think that's valid enough," He shook his head lightly.

"Please, I just need to talk to him. Ask him a few questions. That's all," You tried to convince him.

"What will I get out of this?" He gradually squinted his eyes at you.

"Anything," You blurted out.

"Anything?" He mimicked. For a second there, you wanted to take back what you said. But as he seems harmless and just oddly calm, you nod your head fervently.

"Very well then, I have a few conditions in mind," He sits down on the chair next to a small table.

"Take me to him first," You demanded.

"I have to make sure that you'll stick with your words," He almost yawned. "After I bring you to where Taehyung is, will you let me touch your hand?"

Absentmindedly, you frowned. Well, that was a very gentleman-question. You just didn't expect his condition to be like this. And by means of this, odd.

"Yeah, whatever."


"So, uhm, why do you want to touch my hands?" You stare at both of your palms while you walk by him; side by side.

Earlier, you rode a luxurious car with him. He even got his own driver. You can't deny the fact that it made you uncomfortable seeing that you don't know much of the people inside the vehicle. But as you realized that Jungkook's deal seemed genuine, you tried to shake the uneasy thought off of your head.

"Just because," He shrugged. "Why? Would you rather have me ask for something else?" His hands resting on his back as he walks.

"Uh, no. It's fine," You forced a smile. "Are we there yet?" You asked, trying to change the topic. When in fact, the answer to the question you just asked is right in front of you if you only looked straight.

"Just a couple more steps," He said. "See that big house at the end?" Using his hand, he pointed at the mansion surrounded by trees at the end of of the trail that you're taking. The place seemed too deserted. There are no other houses around; there are only fields. Plus, the main road is already far.

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