Chapter 30 : Gestures

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i was about to update ages ago but we lost internet connection for weeks. im truly sorry. but hey, perhaps, expect an update every day from now on? *smirks*


The atmosphere in Taehyung's mansion is still terrible. So what you decided was to move away from his house for a while. You packed your bags and went home. You figured you would need some time with your dad to make up things in your mind. If you're going, to be honest, you really just want to be away from Taehyung.

He didn't say anything when you informed him about you suddenly leaving. In fact, it seemed like he supported the idea. It hurt you a bit, but then you just pushed the feeling aside. He told you he kept the book that reveals another method to kill his kind while lying to those who should really have a say in it. 

Today, your focus should be on spending time with your dad and nothing else. Tomorrow's another day to spent worrying about the problems that aren't actually yours.

After three knocks, Isabelle opened the door for you. Out of courtesy, she helped you with your things while you hurried away to embrace your dad, who is silently sitting on the couch. "I missed you," You can't help but long for the presence of your father. Why did you even leave him just for the thrill and adventures that come with Taehyung?

"I did all of your reminders so that you won't have to worry." He proudly told you with a smile stuck on his face.

You laughed, "That's my old man!" Teasing him always earned you the same reaction from him. He didn't mind, though. He knows how much you love him, and as his only daughter, you mean the world to him as well.

A movie marathon is your favorite thing to do whenever you're together. Well, you were always together before until mystical creatures swooped down, ruined your life, added thrill into your life, and then everything confused you. Until now, your dad has no idea that he was kidnapped and that you traded your life in return for his. Yeonjun perfectly washed those memories out of his mind.

"Hey, Dad, do you want some salad?" The movie is just about to start, so you quickly offered to make a snack while still feeling like it. Your dad nodded his head nonchalantly, and you automatically raced into the kitchen to gather ingredients. As soon as you came, Isabelle went out to buy some groceries, but fortunately, there are still some veggies left in the kitchen.

Fixing all the ingredients in one place, you were ready to slice and chop them by picking up the chopping board and knife. But you being clumsy as ever, you accidentally dropped the knife on the floor. Heaving a sigh of relief as it didn't directly hit your foot as it could've, you picked it up and continued your work.

You were silently adding the sliced cabbage, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and here came the part where you added a red mayonnaise. Wait red? You halted for a minute and observed what happened to it. There is blood dripping from somewhere, and you rapidly checked your body.

At the side of your right arm, just near your hand, there's a small cut that probably came from the knife that fell earlier and caused too much bleeding. Cursing under your breath, you rushed inside your room to get your medicines and treatments.

Just as you opened the door, you almost had a heart attack upon seeing a guy inside your room. "Jesus, Taehyung! What are you doing here?" You hissed.

"You're bleeding. What happened?" He looked concerned, but you're not going to let him fool you.

"None of your business." You gently shoved him out of the way and went straight to your bedside table where you store your emergency kit.

"Here, let me help you." Taehyung offered, but you quickly dodged his touch. Surprise was evident on his face.

What is he doing here? Didn't we agree not to see each other in the meantime? Or was it just a one-sided agreement? Thoughts filled your head as you apply your treatments silently. You can feel his piercing eyes watching every movement you do. "I'm fine. It's just a small scratch." You almost whispered the words.

"That doesn't look fine to me," He huffed. Through the corners of your eyes, you saw how he crossed both of his arms in front of his chest.

"What are you doing here?" You diverted the topic as you don't want him to focus on you. Looking at him, he remained dead silent. "Okay, fine. Why are you here?" You twitched your lips. Feeling the sting of the needle on your arm, you tried your best to hide the discomfort on your face.

Once more, he didn't answer your question and only looked at you with unreadable eyes. You want to know the truth about why he's risking that book, which apparently holds the lives of numerous vampires alive. Yes, vampires' extinction is beneficial to humans, your kind, but not necessarily all bad people deserve death; Some are still worthy of second chances. 

Risking everyone's lives for you isn't a good gesture. Whatever he has on his mind probably is for selfish reasons that he had to use you as an excuse. "Isabelle shouldn't have left you alone in the kitchen," He commented.

"She went out for groceries," You deadpanned.

"Nevertheless, I still told her to help you out with anything." He scoffed and shifted his weight on one foot.

"Is she in a trance?" You gazed over him before placing the cannula on your arm steadily.

"No." He briefly stated, and you heaved a sigh of relief. As much as possible, you don't want her doing things against her will, and hearing Taehyung's answer lifted that worry from your chest. You can see how lovely Isabelle is, and it would be unfair if this vampire takes advantage of her.

"Hope you're telling the truth." You mumbled, and you know he heard it.

"Is that why you left the mansion? I told you I took the book for you." He started, and you weren't ready for this conversation. "I have my reasons, and I just need you to trust me."

"For me? How come? Don't you care about Jimin? Once the information in that book has been disseminated, you're all gonna go down. I don't want people nor other creatures dying. Especially, not for me." You're betting that Taehyung already knows how his kind can be defeated. He might be an asshole, but he's a smart one. He knows how to observe and learn things quickly in order to make a move on what to do next.

"You really think I don't have any ounce of sympathy for others left in me, don't you? That I don't care about anything else aside from myself. I'm telling you this, Astrid." He bent down and leveled his face to mine. "Yes, I am a monster, but I'm still capable of loving others."

You stared at his deep eyes and kept your mouth shut. No words escaped your mouth after what he said. "So if I'm telling you that I'm doing it for you, I'm not lying. But if you keep doubting me and you want me to be the bad guy, then the pleasure's mine." With that, he left your room and had you speechless.

Sighing, you stayed for a while inside your room until your treatment finally works on you. Remembering that your dad is outside waiting for that salad that you promised to make, you immediately jumped out of your bed and went to the living room to check on him.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I had a little accident in the kitchen and—" You stopped your sentence midway when you noticed how your dad was holding a freshly made bowl of salad.

You're sure as hell that your dad is can never make one. As you thought of Isabelle, it quickly washed away your worry of who might be here aside from you and your dad. Not until you felt someone's presence behind you.

"We're enjoying a vampire movie. Want to join?" Taehyung's voice boomed into your ears, and you automatically turned around to face him upon hearing it. He's holding a cup of glass and another bowl of salad in his hands. A playful smirk appeared on his face, and you wanted so bad to punch that look away from him. 

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