Chapter 5 : Drawn

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Feeling the bites of the mosquitos in wherever place you are, you woke up. Touching your neck, you annoyingly winced in pain.

You sit down and observed that you are at the dungeon. After days of training with Yeonjun, he toured you around and you've learned what they call this room underneath the house. If that isn't petrifying enough. Although there were two rooms that you still haven't been to, his master's room and the other creepy room.

"Yeonjun, I'm absolutely disappointed." You shifted your head towards the direction of where the deep voice was coming from.

"It is her, Astrid Jones. The one you randomly picked out of the list of-"

"I'm not done talking, listen to me first." You laughed at the big man's statement. Yeonjun kept telling you for the past few days that you have to do this and that when you're around the master. Yet, here he is completely wanting to talk back to his beloved employer.

"Who said you could laugh?" The aggrieved man turned to you.

Raising an eyebrow, you finally got to your feet as you crossed both of your arms in front of your chest. "I did." At the corner of your eyes, you saw Yeonjun grimacing in despondency.

He slowly walked towards your direction and you must say that you are so intimidated by his presence. Making your best not to shiver in fear right in front of him, you remained calm on the outside.

Catching you off guard, he used one hand to touch both sides of your cheeks. He squeezed your face like a damn stress ball and examined your face. "I never thought I'd see this face again." He muttered.

"Lovely isn't it?" Despite his big hand hindering you from talking properly, you successfully said your piece and you saw how vexed it made him. It's not your fault he is drawn to your face.

"You still look awful," He abruptly let go of your face and you massage your cheeks. You were perplexed by the fact that this man speaks to you as if you both have met before. You don't understand his rage towards you. Imagine being choked by the person who is fuming mad at you although you just met him today. It's a horrible conception.

You were amazed at how Yeonjun perfectly described this man in front of you. He is too much to handle. "Yeonjun, kindly leave the two of us for a second." There is a smug look on his face when he said his piece.

"Are you sure?" Yeonjun asked with a bit of worry and the other man nodded.

Suddenly, you became nervous remembering how these people are potentially dangerous. Still, you won't budge. You actually love pissing off people even more.

"Go ahead, Yeonjun! A girl like me can teach your master a way to break out from his PMS." You smiled sweetly while the man in front of you started clenching his jaws.

That's it be annoyed as much as I am. You mentally screamed, wishing that your friends and family can still find your body if you ended up dead because of your stubbornness.

Yeonjun fled away and it is only the two of you inside the dark room. You heard him took a deep breath before forcing a smile at you. "I believe we skipped the pleasantries," He reached out for your hand. "Taehyung Kim."

You contemplated if you wanted to annoy him even more or be nice to save your life. Sighing, you rolled your eyes and lousily shake his extremely cold hands. "Astrid Jones," You huffed.

What is this? After groping your face and strangling you, he'll play nice?

"Astrid, you see, everything that Yeonjun told you about me was a lie," He smirked.

"Specifically?" You twitched the side of your mouth.

He began circling around you slowly and you breathe in a pattern to remain at peace. "I'm more vicious, delinquent and most especially," He paused and you suddenly felt his presence behind your left ear. "I'm more monstrous. I can break your neck if you want to."

This time shiver spread all over your body. You're scared and you're already thinking that this might be your last day on Earth.

"And an asshole." You instantly regretted the words that escaped your mouth not until you heard his deep chuckle.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that one." It is a relief that he agreed with your statement but it still bothered you that he is that insane to admit that he himself is truly a douche.

He stopped circling around and stood in front of you once more. You're an idiot for blushing when you noticed how mesmerized he is to your face. You can't help it, this man in front of you is a jerk but he is undeniably gorgeous.

He must've noticed how overwhelmed you are when you saw another evil smirk plastered on his face. You slowly shake your head and put on your bitch face mask again. "So what are we going to talk about?"

"You are much different when I last saw you." He muttered.

"Excuse me?" You squeaked. "This is our first time seeing each other."

"I'm talking to your face not you." He deadpanned, embarrassing you for a couple of seconds. Still, you don't understand what his statement means.

"You've seen this face before?" You pointed at your unique face.

"Yes. An angelic yet demonized face." By the tone of his voice you know that he is mocking someone else but you can't help and be annoyed because he is also talking about your face.

"I'm practically sure that I have no twin. So it's either you're mocking my existence figuratively or my dad lied to me about being an only child." You put your weight on your left shoulder in the same direction where you also tilted your head. "And I personally think it's the former since my dad will never lie to me."

He shrugged, acting like he is innocent. "Hey, you're the one who asked Yeonjun to take me here right? And obviously you made some connection with me or more like with my face. Even so, I believe I'm not the one you're looking for."

"Your point is?" He held his head high.

"Let me go, duh." You rolled your eyes and he just laughed at you.

"No," He firmly stated and you stomped your foot like an angry child.

"Why?! You don't need me anyway. My dad is all alone out there, no one is taking care of him. I need to go back home!" You whined.

"You already knew too much of this place, it's either you stay here or," His hand reached for his back pocket and later on he is holding a small curved dagger. "You die."

He was about to jump at you when you already sprinted your way out of his sight but a stupid small stone lying on the ground took your chance of salvation. "Damn it," You hissed. Standing up once more, you noticed that you earned a wound on your knee.

Oh no, not now, please.

Your wound started to bleed excessively and you don't have your treatments with you. Turning around you watch out for the man who is about to slice your throat.

He slowly came out of the dark and but this time, he is fuming mad. What is it this time?

You dragged yourself away from the murderer who is approaching you. Taking a better look at his face, you felt like you wanted to just die instantly.

His eyes turned purple in color and his veins on his face are too visible. But what scared you the most are those fangs ready to eat you out alive.

You started praying for yourself.

"What are y-ou?" Out of fear, you still managed to ask.

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