Chapter 54 : Remember Him

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"Astrid, what are you saying?" No matter how many times you try to explain to your dad that you have something to see back at Tyler, he asks the same question all over again.

It's not because he can't understand it, it's because he can't fully indulge that you're now packing your bags for a flight back to Texas. "Dad, I'll be back. I just have to make sure of something."

"And that is?" He squints his eyes and places his hands on each side of his waist.

Your dream last night was the first time that you actually remembered something. You've been theorizing before that you feel sad every morning because you wake up from a bad dream that you can't even remember.

And now, you have something.

A guy, and his name is Taehyung.

His identity is what you'll search for back at your home in Texas. You believe that something strange is going on. The rose's last petal falling at the same time you remembered a dream for the first time is probably not a coincidence.

You somehow believe in superstitions since you read books a lot. And in this one, you'll put your faith to it. Hoping that it's actually a sign to the end of you miserable days.

Because if you're going to be honest, it feels like you'll give up eventually if this daily routine of crying in the morning, feeling out of mood the second after, and being sad every minute continues.

"I don't know," You breathed out heavily. Obviously, it didn't satisfy your father's curiosity, so you had to explain your thoughts to him again for a tad five minutes.

"Are you sure about this?" Worry is all over his face. And to erase that, you assure him by giving a nod with a genuine smile.

You swore to yourself that you'd not use that money given to you by an anonymous person. But now, since you're in dire need for money to afford a plane ticket back to Texas. You've contemplated a lot about it, and you just promised to pay it back.

Later on, your dad eventually helped you on packing up some stuff for a short visit. "Are you sure it's okay for me to leave?" It's not that you're having second thoughts about leaving. For a second there, your conscience pinched you. The thought of your old man alone for a few days here in a new environment isn't pleasant at all. As a daughter, you worry.

"If it's for your happiness then I'm sure of it." He handed down a small lunch box. "Eat it while you're on your way," He smiled.

"You cooked?" You inquire.

"You have forgotten that cooking is my only talent and you stole my spotlight, thinking that I'm not capable anymore," He pursed his lips and playfully glared at you.

"Very well, then I'll send you my critique about it once I'm on the plane," You hugged him tightly.


It wasn't that hard to find a rush plane ticket back to Texas. There are not many passengers today, and you thought it's not the season of people travelling across the globe. You waited for a few minutes in the lobby for your flight to be called.

While sitting alone on a bench, you opened your phone and searched for an entertaining e-book. You think you do it for entertainment, but the other half clearly says that you want to be distracted.

His face can't seem to vanish from your head. That deep voice and ethereal beauty. The way his gestures have a hidden meaning instead of just being rude. Because of that dream, you were determined to remember him.

After a few minutes, you moved closer to the right arm of the bench when someone sat next to you. At the corner of your eyes, you noticed that it's a guy, who is currently dressed in all white. You find it a little odd, so you created a few distances. Ignoring the presence of the man next to you, you try to give more focus on your phone.

Not until, "You should go back home," He spoke.

Before scowling at him, you look around in case he was talking to someone else or on his phone, but you saw him directly staring at you. "Excuse me?" You frowned.

"Go back home, Astrid." Your eyes widened in shock as he pronounced your name as he knows you very well.

"Do I perhaps, know you?" Your forehead furrowed even further.

"You knew me," That cryptic reply had you believing that he's joking, but the way he looks gives off serious vibes.

"Uhm, impossible? You're really not familiar to me," You smiled apologetically.

"Yet, you remembered him?" He laughed sarcastically, hid dimples showing.

"You know him? You know... Taehyung?" Your eyes were expectant. You want to believe that he will help you if he does.

"I do," You internally squealed in joy after he answered your question.  "And he told me to keep you here," He added.

His last statement had your smile falling from your face. "Are you sure you're not a troll or something?" You began to doubt.

"You'll die if you go back," He warned. His terrifying tone sent shivers down your spine, but instead, you chuckled.

"Now, that's a joke," You mentally judge this person in front of you. What does he get for fooling around people? You thought to yourself.

With that, your flight was announced. You stood up and quickly pulled your luggage away from the tall troll.

As expected, he didn't give up. He ran after you and blocked your way, pissing you off. "Move away, or I'll put a stain on your precious clothes," You eye him and his white clothes from head to toe.

"Astrid, Taehyung is not going to come back. You're just risking yourself here." He spreads out his arm. "I'm not going to let you die," He stood firmly on his ground.

"Mister, I don't know how you got in my head, but I'm not much of a fool," You snickered. "I can identify a con so please, get out of my way while I'm being nice."

"Ask me anything about you, and I'll tell you the right answer," He bartered in return of my trust.

You thought so hard about a question, but your flight is continuously announced, and passengers are expected to board already. "I'm sorry, but I have to go," You did a curve and walked past him.

For a few seconds, you walk there peacefully. But then someone's hand pressed a specific area on your neck causing for you to fall asleep and the last thing you heard was ''I'm sorry; Taehyung's orders."

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