Chapter 2 : Trade

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You pushed the gate that blocks your only entrance to a very odd mansion standing proudly right in front of you. You're very much sure that you've come to the right place. Although it doesn't seem like a lair for abductors since it's a very famous antique house in your city.

You have heard that someone lives in it but whoever that person is, he or she is a question in your head. Looking back at the paper you hold where you rewrite the address which was still written with blood in your living room by now, you slowly took your steps and made it in the front door.

Afraid? You are frightful for the sake of your dad. Seeing the blood on your house's wall, you knew that someone did a vicious act to him. You will make sure that whoever did this will pay their prices.

If only you've listened to your dad this morning at least for once, maybe this wouldn't happen to him.

You were about to knock on the door when a man taller than you already opened it first. "Ms. Jones, I've been expecting you. Please, come in."

"Who are you? Where is my dad? What did you do to him?" You said through gritted teeth. Raising an eyebrow at the man in front of you who has an irreproachable smile plastered on his face.

"I'm sorry I forgot the introduction. My name is Yeonjun Choi." He reached out for my hand and out of courtesy you shake it. You jolted when you felt how cold his hand was. Immediately, you took your hand back and raised your chin.

"Now, where is my dad?" You repeated and he gestured for you to follow him. Once you stepped foot inside the mansion, it has this bizarre atmosphere that caused you to earn goosebumps for some unknown reasons.

Walking through the hallways, you've noticed a lot of relics displayed on the walls and shelves of the mansion. This place is truly ancient.

You were expecting to meet your dad soon, but this Yeonjun guy only led you to an area where a long table is placed. He sat on the chair at the edge of the table while he motioned for you to sit on the other end. "I said, where is my dad? You're stalling, tell me where he is or I'm going to call the cops." You showed him your phone.

"Believe me, Ms. Jones, you wouldn't want anyone else getting involved with our business here."

"Business? You freaking kidnapped my dad and now you suddenly want a business meeting?!" You cried out after slamming your hand against the rustic table.

Yeonjun clasped his hands together and beamed at you timidly. "Ms. Jones if you calm down, I will tell you your father's location. For now, let's have a civil conversation and sit."

You scoffed but you didn't retaliate anymore. Sitting on the other end of the table, you were ready to hear what this guy has to say.

"You see, my master wanted a servant who is willing to be loyal to him." You rolled your eyes and huffed a puff of air. "He asked me to find one and my best pick was you. If you agree with these terms, I can guarantee your father's safety." He said his piece and your ears can't believe what it just heard.

"Servant? Do you mean maid? If you wanted to hire people then you should've hung a damn poster on the street rather than abducting someone!" You vociferated, standing again from your seat.

"Ms. Jones, sit down."

You saw it, the color of his eyes inverted for a few seconds while he muttered those words. While you on the other hand, unwillingly sits down. You were in confusion about why you just followed his order.

"I see you have quite an attitude, Ms. Jones. My master will be very fond of you." An evil grin stretched upon his face and you were pissed for good.

You stand up and ignored the man who is currently shouting for your name. Roaming the big house you began searching the rooms upstairs. There are a lot of doors to open and you didn't hesitate to start.

Strangely, every door you open is unlocked and you were greeted by the emptiness of each room. Your dad is not here.

You heard a sigh behind your back and you turned around to see Yeonjun with his hands behind him. "Tell me where my dad is!" You demanded.

"If you would follow me, I can show you your father." He managed to maintain his pacifist composure despite you being the opposite of him. "Come along," He turned his back and began to take a stroll downstairs.

He led you into a room where only a single and weak bulb produces light inside. You felt shiver traveling down your spine when you saw various weapons hanging on the walls. Your dad isn't in here either but why did he lead you into this room.

"Don't worry, I didn't send you here to slaughter." He bent down to remove the huge mat covering the floor and there you saw a small door. Yeonjun opened the door and it revealed a staircase leading down the house. "Ladies first,"

You hesitated for a bit. What if this is just a trap? What if you'll meet your end if you went down there first? This man right in front of you seized your dad and there is a huge probability that he is also the one who wrote those bloody letters in your house.

He is a dangerous man and you shouldn't trust him.

But then you heard your dad screaming for help. You shoved Yeonjun out of the way and rushed downstairs.

It's a dungeon and you saw your dad sitting inside a cell with blood on his clothes. You started crying and you fell on your knees the moment you reached his place. "Dad I'm here now, it's going to be alright."

You felt a presence behind you and you perfectly knew who it was. "Let him go, please. I beg you."

"Astrid, go back home. He's a monster." Your father warned but you shook your head.

"No, dad. I'm getting you out of here." You sniffed. Standing up, you faced the other guy inside this room with puffy eyes. "I'll do anything, just get him out of here."

"Anything?" A mischievous smile appeared on his face once more and you nodded at his question.


Yeonjun hands you a small key and you quickly took it from his hand. You used the key to unlock your father's cell. Once it opened you rushed to his aid and hugged him "What did they do to you?" You asked your dad.

"Astrid, you have to run." He warned again but you were an expert at ignoring whatever bad feeling your dad has about something.

You cling his arm over your shoulder to help him stand up. Slowly, you both walked outside and your gaze landed on the pale man waiting for the both of you outside the cell.

"What do I have to do?" You asked.

"A simple trade. He gets out, you stay in." 

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