Chapter 12 : Wake Up

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i dont know if this book is still interesting but, uhm, enjoy?


"Let me go!" Namjoon bellowed at the backseat. Taehyung just had a marvelous idea to use a chain and piss the angel off while you're on your way back to Tyler.

"Is the chain really necessary?" You asked the driver and he nodded with a pretty smile.

To ignore Namjoon's complaints, Taehyung turned the volume of the radio to the maximum extent of it, causing your ears to get ripped off. "Why can't I break this chain?!" Namjoon's big voice enveloped the car.

This car ride will be the end of me. You thought to yourself.

Taehyung secretly asked for a hexed chain from the warlocks in case of situations like this. He wanted to contain Namjoon so that his friends' chance of survival will not slip away from him. You expected that he'll be a little considerate since he is the one who needs help but that is clearly not on Taehyung's vampire vocabulary.

Suddenly, he lowered the volume of the radio. "Give me your blade first and I'll let you fly again." Taehyung smiled innocently on the rearview mirror and he earned a glare from Namjoon.

"In your filthy dreams," Namjoon spitted out and you closed your eyes tightly hoping that their bickering will end eventually.

After almost four hours of loud and irritating drive, the lot of you arrived at the old mansion. It's still a wonder to you on why Taehyung keeps coming back here despite the enemies that might be lurking around ready to tear him apart.

You frowned at the sight of Taehyung pulling Namjoon inside the mansion by the chains encircled and locked on the angel's hands. Following both of them from behind, you stumbled upon the painting of that wolf named Annais, again.

Just like how Taehyung described her, she looks really pure and sinless. You wouldn't imagine from her blue crystal eyes, short brunette hair, fair skin, and a benign smile that she is different.

You feel sorry for her even though you don't really recall how everything went down. Until now, you're still skeptical about the fact that you were like Namjoon before. But if you're going to base through Taehyung's stories and his wrath towards you in simple situations, it's not hard for you to be convinced.

The whole circumstance is quite blatantly implausible as if this is all just a dream slash nightmare. If it is, you've been dreaming for days and you wanted to wake up already.

That's the problem, you're not waking up.

You shake your thought off of your head when you heard Namjoon groaning. Taehyung just threw him on the couch forcibly. "Now, be a real angel and hand me your blade." Taehyung handed out his empty palm but Namjoon keeps glaring at him.

"Taehyung, how about you play nice?" You crossed both of your arms in front of your chest and tilted your head on the side.

"And I should do that, because?" He raised an eyebrow at you.

Sighing, you sat next to Namjoon and smiled at the poor angel in the hands of a devil. "Listen, his vampire friends are in the hands of werewolves. Apparently, the only weapon we can use is your blade. So, please help us."

"What does a mere human being like you has to do with supernatural stuff?" He grimaced and you wanted to fire back but to gain his sympathy, you contemplated that you needed to be a little nicer.

You open your mouth to respond, but Taehyung beat you to it. "I agree, she's practically useless here." He scoffed.

"Shut up, I'm trying to help Yeonjun here." You rolled your eyes and turned your head back to Namjoon. "I just want to help someone who practically dragged me in this hell hole. But unlike someone, he is much decent and deserves an aid to his dilemma. Please?"

"Look, uhm, what's your name?"


"Blondie." You and Taehyung spoke in unison and when you glanced at him, you felt the urge to smack his smug face.

"Okay, Astrid. You're not supposed to join forces with demons like them." He pointed at Taehyung and he annoyingly waved his hand as if he is proud to be called with that nickname. "They kill your kind."

"Uhm, correction. Most of the time we let them live, don't you think we deserve applause for that?" Taehyung smirked while Namjoon snorted in disbelief.

"Just help us, please? Don't you want to be human again?" You looked sincerely in his eyes and his face fell.

"I don't know." He looked down and you looked at Taehyung's direction if he actually feels something else other than feeling ungracious towards the man. But as expected he just rolled his eyes while silently mouthing the word 'drama'.

"You don't know? What do you mean? That's the reason why you're an angel, right?" You looked back at Namjoon.

"I never wanted this choice. All the monsters I've killed using that blade became mine. Their dead faces keep appearing in my head and I'm terrified of it."

"Look at this fetus angel. Blondie, teach him your ways," Taehyung snickered. "Show him how to kill without feeling any remorse."

"What is he saying?" Namjoon gave you a flustered look and you sighed.

"According to Taehyung, I was an angel before," You explained.

"You mean, you successfully killed forty-four demons?" The guy asked and you nodded.

"Yep," Taehyung butts in while popping the letter 'p' in the end. "She marvelously killed them, basically she's a monster before."

"You could say that." You felt guilty with Taehyung's statement and smiled bitterly. Angel isn't the appropriate term for people like you and Namjoon.

You were all taught that an angel is supposedly caring and gentle. In the real world, they are treated like heroes who aid humans in taking care of Earth and making it a good place to live in. Never did you thought that they literally take away all evils in this world by killing them.

Seeing how Namjoon felt guilty about his mission on Earth despite the rewards, you felt more ashamed because you had a choice to decline the heavens' quest for you. Yet, you were blinded by life itself.

You slightly laughed at how you feel bad about the things you don't really remember at all.

Nevertheless, you have to convince Namjoon to help you. "Don't worry, you'll forget everything once you reincarnated." You forced a smile and you heard Taehyung's laugh at the absurdity of your sentence.

"Listen to the expert," Taehyung muttered but you ignored him.

"Please? Will you help us?" He sits properly on the couch and looked at you and Taehyung before sighing.

"Okay, I will." You beamed from ear to ear at Namjoon's response.

"Finally," Taehyung scoffed.

"But we have a problem," Namjoon added and your forehead creased.

"What is it?"

"I don't know where my blade is."

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