Chapter 20 : Priorities

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"You think?!" Taehyung cocked his head on the side with his brow arched while he looked at you. "You think Hoseok's just gonna go and throw that ancient book to whoever kneels before him?"

"Maybe?" You squirmed yourself on the couch as you hid from embarrassment the moment you realized that your thoughts were basically useless. "C'mon! He couldn't be that evil." You tried to convince him but he just only snarled at you.

A few seconds ago, Taehyung elaborated on a plan. He wants us to barge into Hoseok's den one more time to steal the book. His confidence grew stronger because you have an angel's blade in your hands. But to further explain the scheme, it's pretty much just kill and steal which you find absurd.

So, you voted for Namjoon's suggestion instead. His ideas consist of Namjoon pretending to be someone else while he sneaks in Hoseok's mansion. Since you all know (especially Taehyung yet he ignored the fact) that they work with witches, Namjoon is willing to talk to the Oberon Union and ask for their help because Taehyung's pride is taller than the Mt. Everest and the Burj Khalifa combined.

Of course, Taehyung protested that his plan is probably better than Namjoon's. Two is better than one and you and Namjoon won the debate. So he gotta suck it up that his scheme is trash compared to the angel's.

After he contemplated very hard, Taehyung gave up and called his warlock friends. You had to wait for a few minutes before the guys named Felix and Johnny arrive. When they did, they brought along another man who seems to be the oldest out of the three warlocks. "MJ, you're here!" Taehyung attempted to give the small man a hug but when MJ waved his finger, Taehyung stopped at his tracks.

"What do you need again? Our coven doesn't owe you anything anymore." He puts on an intimidating mask that actually scared the hell out of you. They might be the kind nearest to normal here but they can still be very dangerous. "I heard that you called for these boys and I figured that I should tag along. Again, what do you need?"

"Oh, c'mon MJ. Drop that rugged facade and bring out the cute little duckling that you are," Taehyung pouted. You don't have any idea if he was taunting him or it's Taehyung's way of befriending someone. MJ stood firm on his ground that caused a huff from the only vampire in the room.

"Fine, hear me out first. I know that I should cut ties from you after doing me a favor but believe me when I say that your lover would be in danger if you're not going to lend me a hand." MJ froze like a statue on his place after he heard Taehyung's words. While on the other hand, Taehyung is smiling widely as if he knew something that he shouldn't.

"Let's talk somewhere private." MJ's tone turned discouraged.

"Follow me." Taehyung led the way as MJ trailed behind him.

The four of you were left dumbfounded inside the living room. "Who is that guy?" You curiously asked. Although you know his name, you still want to know how come he acts a bit different from the two.

"He is our circle's current sovereign. MJ is actually too young to be one but because of his good leadership and skills everyone voted for him when our previous sovereign died," Felix explained and you felt satisfied with the given information.

While waiting for the two to finish negotiating, the four of you spent the time talking with one another about random stuff. You heard groans and thumps from somewhere but you all chose to ignore it. The four of you believed that the two men upstairs can handle themselves perfectly.


Taehyung got back with a smile on his face while MJ practically forced himself to stay. You thought that Taehyung successfully convinced the sovereign and confirmed it when he announced that the entire Oberon Union will help. The three warlocks left and Taehyung had this creepy smirk stretched upon his lips. "How did you convince him?" You asked and moved closer next to him.

"Because I'm smart," He smiled innocently. After faking a gasp, his face leaned closer to your ear and whispered, "I can be very persuasive too if I want."

Electricity traveled down your spine as his hot breath touched your skin. Once he retreated, you placed your hand on your chest as you tried to calm your heart down since it felt like it wants to get out of its cage. You can't believe that your body is reacting this way. Taehyung couldn't possibly have that effect on you.

Sitting alone at the couch, you look at your left and notice Taehyung and Namjoon talking in the kitchen. You figured that they might be discussing the plan so you just waited patiently. You're sure as hell that Namjoon will elaborate it to you too.

When they grabbed their things; specifically their blades, guns, and other deadly weapons they zoomed out. You were baffled that none of them cared to tell you the whole thing. "Hey, where are we now going?" You got ahold of Taehyung's manly biceps and the moment you realized how awkward it was to touch that part, you removed your hand.

"We?" He raised an eyebrow. "The only we here is me and Mr. Holy Spirit. Just go home and feed your cat."

"I don't have a cat," Your lips twitched. "And besides, I told you I am eager to help, why won't you let me?"

"Princess, my priority here is to get that ugly-ass book to save my life. You'll just bring negativity to the success of my plan."

"My plan." Namjoon corrected. "It's for your own good, Astrid."

"Yeah, listen to your holy daddy," Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"But I thought—"

"Who do you even fight for? Your dad? He's fine. Your friends? Who are they anyway? Everything in your life is on the right track. Prioritize your life, blondie, you'll lose it whenever you're with creatures like us." With that, Taehyung sprinted out while Namjoon walked slowly past you with a sad smile. He tapped you on the shoulder before he suddenly disappeared into thin air.

You really do not know why you insist on helping Taehyung. Aside from being rude, he's nothing but a first-class scumbag who eats people to stay alive. Perhaps, you enjoy the thrill. You enjoy the adventures when you're with him. That's why you wouldn't mind if your life's at stake whenever you're near him.

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