"Nah I'm okay thank you though." She said and he left the door.

  She stood up opening the test and opening the toilet and sitting back down and taking the cap off the pregnancy test peeing on it.

  "Now I got to wait 10 minutes." She told nobody in particular as she cleaned herself up.

  She left out the bathroom going outside throwing the box away then going back in the house waiting for the test to load up.

  She bit her nails nervously as her leg shook violently at the thought of being a mom.

  "God please be on my side." She said as she started to play in her head.

   She picked up her phone scrolling through Instagram to waste time and then turned it off once ten minutes was up.

She picked up the test looking at it seeing the two lines and sighed.

  "Damn." Was all she said as she sat back putting the test down.

  She was pregnant and expecting her first child.

  She tucked the test in her back pocket leaving the bathroom going to her and kd room tucking the test in her purse.

  She left the room going downstairs seeing kd, kacey, and kanari in the living room watching 'The Lorax' as they laid down on their sleeping bags.

  "Come watch the movie with us." Kd said looking at Dior making the kids look up too.

  "Okay." Was all Dior said as she sat down next to kd on his sleeping bag.

    "You good?" He asked her and she nodded her head as she took his cup from his hand and drinking some of it then spitting it back in the cup noticing it was some type of alcohol.

  "Bruh why?" He said smacking his lips.

  "I'm sorry I'll go get you some more what is it?" She asked him standing up.

  "It's a wine cooler." He said and she nodded her head leaving the kitchen going to get him a new drink.

  As she poured him a wine cooler in a new cup they heard beating at the front door and she frowned walking over seeing kd looking in the peep hole then opening the door and Mya and Jeremy stormed in.

  "What's going on?" Dior asked handing kd his cup.

  "I just beat the fuck out of Jaylen." Mya said and Dior frowned.

"What happen?" Kd asked seeing Jeremy had a slap mark across his face.

  "That bitch kissed Jeremy." Mya said angrily.

  "Oh my god does Chris know?" Dior asked curiously.

  "Yea me and him seen the shit at the same time, I knew something was up with that sneaky bitch I can't stand her." Mya said.

   "Well who smacked you?" Kd asked Jeremy and Jeremy smacked his lips mugging Mya.

"I did because you should've stopped the kiss in 1 second instead you stopped it at 5 like the fuck is wrong with men?" Mya said looking at Dior.

"Maybe this could be talked out." Dior said.

  "You always trying be nice Fuck a talk something out if that bitch come around I'm gone kill her." Mya said.

  "But Mya-." Dior started but was cut off by Mya.

  "Ain't no butts fuck that bitch." Mya said as they Dior opened and Chris and Jaylen walked in.

  "Bitch the fuck you doing here?" Mya asked trying to run up on her but Dior pulled her back.

  "Why the fuck are you here?" Jaylen said to Mya.

  "Bitch fuck that Dior let me go I'm finna kill this bitch." Mya said.

  "Kd take the kids to their rooms they don't need to see this." Dior said and he did as told.

  "Dior how you on that bitch side?" Jaylen said.

  "I'm not on anybody side but you are wrong for kissing her boyfriend." Dior said as Jeremy snatched Mya up dragging her to the kitchen.

"It was in the moment." She said.

  "That doesn't give you the right to do some shit like that and that's my brother bitch you need to leave I don't even know why you keep following me."

  "I loved yo ass and you got the nerve to do me this." Chris said.

"Dior pick a side me or her." Jaylen said ignoring Chris.

  "Don't do that, do not try to get me involved in this I've been problem free that's between y'all." She said.

  "Okay then don't talk to me if you gone be friends with her." Jaylen said.

  "That's immature and unfair, why would you kiss her boyfriend and cause all these problems and then try to be selfish and get me involved."

"You were wrong jaylen and maybe we don't need to be friends if that's how you think because I don't need the stress." She said and Jaylen bumped pass Chris leaving the house.

  Dior walked in the kitchen seeing a pissed off mya and sat down.

  "Where that bitch at?" Mya asked.

  "She left." Dior said as she stood next to kd who put his arm around her waist.

    "That bitch needs to die." Mya said as she stared at the counter.

  "Damn so why everybody come over here?" Kd asked.

  "Because I was trying get away from Jeremy and he followed me here." Mya said.

  "Well we were having a movie night with the kids." Dior dragged out waiting for them to leave but they ain't move.

  "Basically what she saying is yall ass ain't got to go home but you gotta get the hell from up out of here." Kd said and they smacked they lips.

"Bet nigga." Jeremy and Chris said as they all left.

  "I'm glad we don't be having problems no more." Dior sighed.

  "Don't jinx us." Kd said kissing her and then going upstairs getting the kids so they could continue their movie night.

  "So your birthday Saturday you gone be 23." Dior smiled at kd who played the movie back.

  "I know." He said looking at her.

  "What you doing for your birthday?" Dior asked him.

  "I don't celebrate my birthday like that so nothing." He shrugged and Dior nodded her head.

Not on her watch.

Author pov:

•Dior is with child❤️🎉!

•Yall team Girl or Boy?

•How y'all think kd gone take the news about the baby?

•What y'all think about Jaylen kissing Jeremy?

•Yall think Dior wrong for not wanting to pick a side?

Opinions on Jaylen?

•Kiss idea from @reader_7638

•Somebody said my chapters been shorter, I thought y'all liked them like this I apologize I'll start back making them longer.


•200+ vote and comments or I'm not updating🤷🏾‍♀️.

•Vote, comment, follow me❤️.

excuse all mistakes!!!

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