"Where?" She asked looking in the mirror as Jeremy stared at her.

"Why you staring at me nigga?" She asked mugging him.

"Damn I was about to call you beautiful but now I got to reevaluate cause you acting like a shemale again." He shook his head and she smacked her lips as Mariah walked in with her spongebob pajamas and her bonnet on.

"can I sleep with y'all?" She asked sitting in her mom lap.

"Mariah where you want to go tomorrow?" Jeremy asked her.

"To the moon." She said laughing.

"Be for real." Mya says as she smelt her making sure she really washed up.

"I want to go to Walmart so I can get new toys." She said.

"How many toys do you need you got a room full." Mya said and Mariah looked up at her.

"How many toys do you need mommy?" Mariah asked.

"I don't have toys what are you talking about?" Mya asked confused.

"Yes you do me and uncle Rio found a box and they all vibrated." She said and Jeremy bussed out laughing.

"Those are not toys Mariah they for my hair they used to curl them." She said.

"They used for cats Mariah." Jeremy said laughing on the floor.

"Jeremy stop." She said throwing a pillow at him as he meowed.

"We don't got a cat." Mariah said confused.

"Wait daddy can we go get a dog tomorrow." Mariah asked.

"Yeah we can if it's okay with yo momma but you got to walk it and do all that shit I'm not doing that." Jeremy said.

"Mommy can we get a doggy?" Mariah begged.

"You gone take care of it?" Mya asked her as she fixed mariah sock.

"Yes I will I promise please momma." She begged.

"Okay if you clean your room and sleep in your own bed tonight I'll think about it." Mya said.

"Okay good night." Mariah said running out the room.

"See if you would've got with the kid a long time ago you wouldn't had to be using dildos." Jeremy laughed.

"Fuck you jeremy." She said rolling her eyes at him.

"We can as soon as Mariah fall asleep."


Dior sat on kd bed as he walked in the room looking at her.

"You gone tell me why Rio was at my house now?" He asked as he took some clothes out of his dresser.

Dior put her fingers in her mouth biting her nails and looking at him.

"If you watch the full video I made him leave." She said.

"I watched the full video but I want to know why he was here and how he get in my gate?" He asked.

"I don't know how he got in but he told me that he wanted to talk and he apologized then asked to hangout." She shrugged.

"Did you hangout with him?" Kd asked.

"No I told him you wouldn't want me to do that." She shrugged.

"So nothing happen between y'all correct?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"What did Denise say about the case?" Dior asked changing the subject.

"She said Keisha looking at two million dollars in fines and revenge porn could do up to five years in prison." He said.

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