"He hasn't called me in three weeks so I don't know." Dior shrugged as she carved eyes into pumpkins.

"Maybe he's in solitary confinement or something." Mya said trying to cheer Dior up.

"Nah you can't use your money on your books when your in solitary, he's been using it lately it alerts me." She shrugged.

"Has destiny or Monique talked to him?" Jaylen asked.

"I asked destiny last week and she said he been calling her but instead of everyday he calls twice a week." Dior said.

"Damn, Dior you need to move on you don't deserve that shit you been nothing but good to him." Jaylen said and Dior didn't say anything.

"You making it seem like he cheating on her or something, he's in jail." Mya rolled her eyes.

"I think you should just go visit him and see if everything okay." Mya said.

"That's smart I'm gone do that." Dior said.

"I forgot to tell yall but Rio texted me saying we needed to talk." She shrugged.

"He told me about that I told him to leave you alone." Mya said.

"I lowkey want to hear what he has to say." Dior said.

"Don't cheat on kd now sis that's still your man." Jaylen said.

"You was just telling her to drop him." Mya said with a frown.

"I say a lot of things." Jaylen said laughing and they joined in.

"If you want to talk to him then do it but just remember you have a boyfriend." Mya said sternly.

"I'll never cheat on kd, he hasn't gave me a reason not to trust him so I'm not going to give him a reason to not trust me." Dior said.

"Speaking of kd are you going to go visit him or not?" Jaylen asked.

"Yea I'll do it tomorrow." Dior said picking up a new pumpkin to carve as her mind wandered about kd.

She couldn't understand why he wasn't calling her.

Next day:

"Who are you here to see again maam?" The guard asked Dior.

"Kayden Carter." She said as she watched the guard search her purse.

"Here's your visitor pass have a great visit." He said buzzing Dior in.

She walked over to the table sitting down as she seen Kayden get escorted out as he stared at her.

He walked to the table and sat in front of her staring at her.

"Hey." She said smiling at him and he held the same nonchalant expression.

"You had me worried something happened to you cause you wasn't calling." She said as his hands rested on the table.

She took her hand putting it on top of his and he moved his hands.

"Dior why are you here?" He asked as he seen officer powers who real name was keisha staring at them.

"Because you haven't been calling me, but you been calling your baby mothers." She said.

"Because I don't want you seeing me like this." He lied.

"So you'll rather your kids see you locked up then me? And it wasn't about me seeing you like this it was just a phone call." She said.

"So why haven't you been calling me?" She asked.

"I just told you why, Dior you need to leave." He said.

"Why are pushing me away?" She asked as her eyes swelled up with tears.

"You made me promise I would wait on you and it seems like you don't even want that anymore." She said.

"You know I love you but I got other shit I'm dealing with." He said.

"So what is this you breaking up with me?" She asked confused.

"Nah I'm not breaking up with you I'm just telling you I got other shit going on I can't call you everyday." He said.

"You haven't called me in three weeks." She said.

"I been busy." He said as Keisha winked at him.

"Doing what? What is there for you to be busy doing in jail?" She asked.

"Nothing Dior, I'll call you but don't come up and visit no more love you." He said dismissing her and standing up leaving her at the table.

She stood up grabbing her purse seeing keisha staring at her with a smirk and frowned.

"Fuck is you looking at?" She mumbled to herself leaving the jail and making her way back to kd house.

She pulled in his driveway seeing a car already sitting there and frowned getting out her car.

She walked up to the car seeing the window down and seen who it was.


Author pov:

This chapter short asf💀 but y'all ain't reach last chapter goal anyways.

•What yall think about kd cheating on our good sis?

•Yall think he should tell her? How y'all think she would react?

•What y'all think about him dissing Dior at the prison?

•What yall think about Rio coming over there?


•200+ vote and comments or I'm not updating🤷🏾‍♀️.

•Vote, comment, follow me❤️.

excuse all mistakes!!

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