Confession 2

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"It's not just any mirror," Draco argued.

Ashlyn felt her heart drop.

"Draco, you know what it's doing to you," Ashlyn said desperately.

"It is my choice," Draco said simply turning around back to the mirror. He looked at the reflection again. They were still smiling up at him. She was still smiling up at him... Ashlyn was right, he should walk away...But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't do it.

"I'd prefer it if you leave me alone," he said still looking at the reflection.

"Draco, come on," Ashlyn said grabbing his arm and trying to pull him away. Draco shook her arm off roughly.

"Let go," he sneered.

Ashlyn sighed. She should calm down. Getting all riled up would help neither.

"Draco," she said calmly. "You need to stop coming here. The mirror shows what you desire. That's what it's supposed to do. You see what you want. No bad memories, no terrible arguments, nothing,"

"It's just easier that way. That's why you're stuck here. But it won't help," Ashlyn said.

Draco turned around sharply, glaring at her, but she continued.

"It won't make it right with your parents. You should talk to them. And you can do that only when you stop brooding in front of the mirror,"

"What would you know?" he snapped.


"I asked, what would you know? You weren't forced to become a Death Eater, were you? You didn't have to watch people get killed at your dining table. You didn't have to torture people just so your family could survive," he growled.

"And when it all ended, I'm still stuck. Father hates me, Mother will be furious. I've been terrible to them. And how long do you think I can ignore all the stares I get. Don't pretend you don't see it," he said accusingly.

"You can ignore it only for so long," he said. "They all hate me! They hate my family! We are traitors, the villains,"

"Draco, don't be stupid," Ashlyn sighed. "No one hates you. Yes, they are curious maybe and they're not exactly discreet about stuff, and whispering is a part of the Hogwarts crowd. I mean, Harry had to endure it for years,"

"Why," Draco spat. "Are you bringing Potter into this?"

"I'm not bringing Harry into anything. I was just saying," Ashlyn said. "You are not listening. You should go back to your dormitory, and then maybe write a letter to your mother,"

"You really do like acting like you know everything, don't you," Draco sneered.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Ashlyn snapped.

"You weren't there when he killed off people like bugs," Draco yelled. "You don't have nightmares about the Dark Lord turning up at your house. You don't have to wake up in the middle of the night, crying, telling yourself that it is just a dream!"

"You've had it all nice and sweet. You're loved by everyone! Best friends with Potter and beacon of light, a fighter on the right side. Oh, I've read the articles all over the Daily Prophet, alright. I bet you don't even know how it feels, to have trouble with your parents,"

"Are you even listening to yourself?" Ashlyn huffed in annoyance. "I spent years hating my mum, my dad, everyone, myself,  so you shut up!"

"Stop spewing nonsense. You're looking at the world through distorted glasses. You can't expect to see properly if you are hell-bent on seeing it in a particular way," Ashlyn said crossing her arms indignantly.

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