"He has a hit on Semaj and James head, who are dead but they don't know that but they still are looking for the girls so we need to find a way to get the girls back in their possession then back out." He finished and kd frowned.

"Hell nah Dior ain't going back with them." He said.

"Well they know how she look and have her on camera in their trap so unless you won't her to be kidnapped, beaten, rapped, or sold yall will figure something out." Bam said leaving the room and kd smacked his lips.

"Mcht I'm tired of that confusing ass plan." Jeremy said.

"You not the only one all I know is we suppose to be robbing And taking over Jace trap I don't know how." Chris inputted as kd frowned.

"Hell nah they not finna pull Dior into that shit, we need to find two random females and give them to him." He said.

"Did you not just here your pops say they got her and Sierra on camera?" Jeremy asked.

"What we need to do is just raid they shit." Chris said.

"Jace has the biggest drug and sex trafficking line that exist and eventually he'll find out James and Semaj set them up if they can't find them or the girls." Kd said.

"I say we turn Sierra in and pretend Dior died." Jeremy said.

"Sierra would snitch under pressure." Kd said.

"Hell yeah and one thing we know is Dior not folding under pressure." Chris said.

"Well we only have one solution if you not gone give him the girls back." Jeremy said.

"And what is that?" Kd asked.

"We got to take out his entire crew."


Dior laid in kd bed asleep hearing the doorbell repeatedly ring.

"Oh my fucking gosh I'm coming." She said hopping up from his bed and slipping some shorts on and kd shirt.

She walked out of his room and down the stairs to the front door checking the peep hole seeing Monique.

She rolled her eyes as she opened the door and Monique mugged her.

"Ew Where's kd at?" She asked looking Dior up and down as kanari played with her yo-yo.

"He went to run some errands he wanted me to watch her until he got back." Dior said.

"Wait y'all are back together?" Monique asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah what's funny?" Dior asked curiously.

"That your so naive if you think he really wants to be with you." She said and Dior folded her arms.

"And what does that mean?" Dior asked.

"Look I've been in your position and played your roll. He's not trying to do nothing but make you a third baby momma."

"He did it to destiny and he did it to me now it's your turn." She said giving Dior a big smile.

"I'm not you and your most definitely not me." Dior snapped back.

"That's what you think but if I was you I'll go dope up on birth control because kd has a weak pull out game." She said.

"Anyways I'm not leaving my child with you who knows what you would do to her but tell your baby father to come pick her up if he wants to see her." She said walking away and Dior slammed the door in her face.

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