"You may sit." She told kd who sat down across from her.

"What brings you here?" She asked him getting ready to write.

"My shorty said I should try this once." He said shrugging make the lady frown.

"Well have you ever had a counselor before?" She asked him.

"Nah i dont talk to people about my shit." He shrugged.

"Well what is the problem your girlfriend is seeing that she want you here for?" She asked pulling out a folder reading over some stuff kd has been through to make sure he tells the truth.

"I guess childhood trauma." He said and she nodded her head.

"Tell me about your childhood." She said and memories ran through your mind.

"I didn't have that great of a childhood, I was one of those children with everything handed to me but materialistic shit ain't help me with all I was going through." He said.

"And what was it you was going through?" She asked.

"Well my mom and sister both passed when I was two and I was young but I understood I couldn't speak to them anymore or feel them or touch them and over the years my mind grew angry that I couldn't and my dad never liked to talk about it and when he got married everything changed even more." Kd said.

"Like how?" She asked.

"His girlfriend would make slick remarks about my mother, try to convince him to send me to live with my grandma, they were at a point where they were having a baby and my dad wanted to name her after my mom and sister and his wife started a argument and even though she lost the baby it's still the principal."

"Have you ever thought of harming yourself or ending your life?" She asked him.

"I have but I got two kids and I don't want my children to have just one parent alive because I know how that is and I know that it's a lot of kids out here without their fathers being alive or in they life and for me to take my life is snatching a blessing from them." He said and she nodded her head.

"How have you been coping with this?" She asked him.

"Drugs, well I was until a friend of mine talked to me about it and told me the consequences out of it and she's been helping me off of it." He said.

"What kinda drugs?" She asked .

"Weed, pills, lean that's about it really." He told her.

"Well as your therapist I can tell you drugs does help you cope but when that high sensational feeling is over you feel everything your running from." She told him.

"I believe that you aren't allowing yourself to grow kd, your trapping yourself in a bubble scared to move."

"Your scared to love because what you love might get token from you, scared to commit because somebody might commit to you, scared to cry because you don't want to seem to weak."

"It's okay to cry and talk about your problems, it's okay to let somebody in, everybody who comes in your life that tries to love you aren't trying to leave you."

"You have to give these people chances and learn how to not compare your past to your future." She said as he listened to her.

They continue to talk until the time was up and kd walked outside getting in the car seeing Dior sleep.

"Dior I'm finished." He said shaking her leg and her eyes fluttered opened looking at him.

"How'd it go?" She asked him as she stretched and started up her car.

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