Dysfunctional family

Start from the beginning

"No I won't. Not without you Frey. I can't do it on my own."

"Yes you can. I love you Merlin, never forget that." Another coughing fit bound the poor girl to her bed, making her convulse with pain. Merlin tried every spell in his power yet nothing could prevent the inevitable. Freya went with a smile, one of hidden anguish and guilt.

"No! No no no no FREYA!"

(a/n I heard his scream in my head and started crying...yeah this took me a while to write. Too many feels)


Arthur stormed through the castle with one destination in mind: Merlin's chambers. He hasn't turned up for work in three days. Three! Arthur was beyond furious, any former worry slipping through his fingers like sand.

He threw open the door scaring poor Gaius out of his skin.

"Where is Merlin?" Arthur spat with such ferocity it made Gaius wince.

"He doesn't want to be disturbed sire. This week has been tough on the boy."

Arthur's eyes softened for a fleeting second before hardening on the door. Without thinking he ran forward and pushed the door open. To say he was shocked at the scene he was greeted with would be an understatement.

Merlin with a small child no more than three months of age huddled in his lap. The recent tear stains running down his cheeks were in contrast to the gentle smile on his lips as he gazed at the girl. Although that joy was quickly wiped of his features and replaced with one of pure fear when he saw Arthur seething in the door.

He quickly lay the girl in a makeshift cot, constructed from a wooden crate and several thin blankets. Her cries broke his heart but he was in no state to hold the child. Not with the inevitable interrogation to come.

"What the hell is this?" Arthur yelled, causing Eden to burst into tears.

Merlin's eyes filled with rage but his body stayed relaxed. Without breaking eye contact Merlin gestured to the door and muttered, "Please leave us."

"Who is she?" Arthur questioned, completely ignoring Merlin's plea. The warlock sighed in defeat, looking at his hands in what some could call shame.

"She's my daughter."

"Your daughter!"

"Yes." Arthur took a menacing step towards the child and Merlin instantly blocked his path.

"And you felt the need to keep this from me why?" Arthur yelled, unable to keep the feeling of betrayal out his voice. He knew he was being completely irrational but his anger was overpowering his senses.

"Because her mother...she had…" Merlin couldn't find the strength to finish his sentence which spoke volumes in itself. For once the oblivious Prince managed to put two and two together.

"She had magic." Merlin nodded solemnly, backing up slightly so his hand rested on the cot. "I never thought you would stoop as low as to sleep with a sorcerer."

Something inside Merlin exploded at that statement. All his pent up grief came flooding out and he slammed Arthur into the wall.

"Don't you dare. Don't you dare Arthur Pendragon. You can insult me all you want but don't think for a second you can insult Freya like that."

"I could have your head for that." Arthur spat.

"I'd like to see you try." Merlin's magic congregated to his irises, mixing with the deep blue until they shone a fiery gold. Arthur recoiled, stumbling over his feet in an attempt to get to the door.

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