Ch. 12 - Flyer

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Very long chapter for my beautiful readers.....

"He gave up on me, didn't he professor?"

McGonagall leaned forward in her chair. "Alice, whatever do you mean?"

"You found James, but he didn't want to come back"

Alice had her legs drawn up to her chest, her chin propped up on her scaled knees, staring at nothing. With hands clasped tightly in front she constantly fiddled with her knuckles, weaving her fingers in and out of each other.

Lupin watched the girl closely, following her expressionless face as it tried to figure out how to feel. He cleared his throat and asked "Who told you that?"

"So it's true then" her voice rising in confidence, a difference from the weak murmer of before and her words punctuated efficiently.

"Now Alice, I never said that"

"You didn't have to"

Alice ran her fingers through her hair, and once she pulled them out, so did a chunk of her dark hair. She quickly closed it in her palm to avoid prying eyes.

Lupin stepped forward slightly and smiled a gentle smile filled with kindness but the girl shifted away. It wasnt that Alice didn't appreciate the gesture, she just wasn't in the mood for his pity. "Alice" he said calmly. "We ask you again, who told you that? Who told you he wasn't coming back?"

"I dont see why-"

"Alice answer the question" McGonagall intercepted.

Alice huffed childishly. "Malfoy" she said, her voice catching. "Malfoy cornered me and said James had given up on me and he wasn't coming back. There. Are you happy now?"

Lupins smile had drooped as quickly as it came, replaced with utter bewilderment. "Oh and you believe him?" he scoffed unprofessionally, but it seemed to go unnoticed, that or it was thankfully ignored.

Alice nodded without hesitation. "Of course" she muttered. When no futher comment was given on behalf of the two professors, the girl continued. "Lupin I am a monster, I always have been. Henry used to warn me of the monsters in the cupboard, under my bed but he never considered the ones on top. Me. He never considered me Lupin, but everyone else did, and they were right. So of course I believe him, it's no fucking surprise that someone has finally given up trying to tame the true beast I am"

Alice bit her tongue in hope it might stop the visible fear and anguish etched on her face. McGonagall found her comment quite inadequate, judging from how well she knew her so far and just stared open mouthed at the young broken girl.

In the moments of her pure dumbfoundness, the professor realised it would take time for her to find the right words to express her thoughts and feelings into a professional manner. While she continued this, she traced her fingers around the rim of her large oak desk. Lupin seemed to have a similar reaction, although he didn't hide his utter shock.

"Can I go?" Alice asked quietly, avoiding the quiver that would've shown otherwise. "Please"

"Why would you go when I only just here?"

The voice was unexpected. It was low, slightly hoarse as if he had spent a good deal of his time outside and developed a stubborn cold. There was a hint of power behind it despite the frail body - not educating, more confident.

The man had seen the shock on Alice's face before she could hide it. A small playful smile played on his lips. She assumed he had wanted her to react differently then how she ultimately ended up choosing to, much to everyone's dismay.

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