Ch. 8 - Reckless

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M'up" Alice mumbled barely coherent.

"I'm hungry, walk me to breakfast?" Blake whined in her ear. Alice had conveniently fallen asleep on the common room sofa, book in hand, sleeping potion still not fully worn off.

She had finally given in and decided sleeping potions were much more effective than attempting to stay awake for the next year.

"Go yourself, I'm tired"

"I still dont remember the way Tia and you did say you'd help me" Blake gave a particularly vicious jab to Alice's belly-button and she silently said goodbye to the idea of any more sleep. She rolled over to look at the clock and groaned.

"Ew school"

"Exactly Tia" he chuckled and begun dragging his friend bodily off the couch, ignoring Alice's half-hearted grumbling.

Blake let Alice lead him to the Great Hall. "Please, remember the way next time"

"Yeah but then what excuse would I have for waking you up in the most annoying possible ways?"

"You'll find one"

They both wandered around picking up things for breakfast, the cooks culinary skills have been off since the new changes, so toast and cereal was all they got.

Alice plonked the rather pathetic looking breakfast down in front of her. "Dry toast, just delightful"

"Things have really changed around here, haven't they?" Blake whispered.

"That would be an understatement, it's like a new school"

"More like a prison, Tia"

"Good point Blake"

Their conversation was always so much more than words. It was the smiles, the gentle shrugs and the light in their eyes. They were both elevated by each other's presence and it was obvious, even the silences were comfortable.

"You are so weird Tia"

"Come on, I have a point, if a room was filled with mirrors top to bottom and both sides, what would it look like? Because it has nothing to reflect but the mirrors itself"

Blake stuffed a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. "Maybe I should've let you sleep, you're quite clearly sleep deprived"

"Don't talk with your mouth full, it's disgusting, have some manners" she wrinkled her nose and turned away.

"Like what? This?" The boy proceeded to chew with his mouth wide open, the crushed food clearly visible.

"Merlin, you really are a boy"

"Should I be offended, I can't tell Tia"

Alice dissolved into a puddle of laughter and Blake could see her stomach shaking as she fights a new gale of giggles.

"Right well, are we heading to Herbology or what?" asked the brown haired boy as he finished up laughing.

"I'm afraid you're going alone"

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