SPECIAL 8🖤 (part one)

Start from the beginning

"Gross. You invited the nerd?!" Bakugo had taken off his shoes already, he seemed to be more comfortable walking into Kirishima's house than his own. [____] gave the blond guy the box to hold on to for a moment, while she followed after her crush's steps and removed her shoes as well. "If he shows up, I'm leaving."

"No you're not. You always say that." Eijiro smiled at [____]. "This guy. Am I right?"

"I really do think he'll leave..."

"Not as long as you stay, [____]. Blasty isn't going anywhere, so no worries." As Kirishima guided her towards his room (where the rest of their friends awaited for the long-arrival of a girl), [____] pulled out her cell phone to check if she had any messages from her family.


She had let her dad know earlier about their indoor pool's pipes being clogged— Such a shame it happened during summer; [____] was really looking forward to finally tackle down some swimming lessons from Tsuyu in the comfort of her home but it looked like that was going to have to wait.

"Hey Bakudaddy, you brought us some cake? Do you love us that much?" Sero teased his team leader when he walked in the room holding onto the rose box. "You already got all the cake we could ever want with your fine ass."

"Don't make me throw this shit at your face!!" Not even five minutes near them, and Katsuki was already tired of his teammates' crap. "Anyway, Cheeks made this— Dunno why, none of you deserve to get treats after what happened last week!!"

"What happened last week?" [____] asked right after his claim, not intending on letting others know it was actually her butler who baked the cupcakes now that her crush told everyone else she made them.

Kaminari gladly answered her question, getting up from Kirishima's bed to stand as close as he possibly could next to [____] without getting killed by her overprotective team leader. "The sweetest snack brought us some snacks, awww! [____], Bakugo is just angry 'cause we lost a ranked match due to some misunderstandings—"

"'Misunderstandings'?! It was you who fucking didn't listen to my orders!! You don't get to play on my team because of that, this time! It's why I brought Cheeks here!!"

"You brought her over to take my place?! Bakugo, I'm hurt!! I'm gonna cry—"


"I don't understand...What am I supposed to do, again?" [____] had thought her crush invited her to spend some quality time with him and their friends. Of course, she wasn't thinking Bakugo had any ulterior motives but it wasn't unusual for him to have those. "I know how to play some video games...It's just that, it's been a while since I even held a remote..Are you sure I'll be much help, like this?"

"We'll do a practice match, first. So you don't gotta worry about being good at this or not, [____]. You'll be using the keyboard this time." Sero explained. "It's much easier, I fixed it up for you so the only keys you have to worry about pressing glow. Wanna take a look?"

[____] was immediately captivated by the bright purple and blue lights coming from the panel of keys. "Wow— It's so pretty!"

"I don't think she's ever seen a gaming pc, you guys." Hanta was amused by this, way greater than the rest. He pretended to pout and clutched on his shirt by the chest area. "Girls like her can be so cute."

"Girls like her are also out of your damn league, soy sauce." Katsuki was quick to dispose of whatever aura Hanta was trying to provide for the other loser in the room.

Kaminari was too busy peeking inside the box to care for his comment. "WHOA!! They're cupcakes! I'm gonna eat all of them!!"

The ash-blond walked closer to [____] and placed a heavy hand on her shoulder. "Cheeks, are you smart enough to understand this? With this button, you jump, this one you run— This one shoots and this one shields you for a moment. You move left and right with these two. The camera automatically follows you. Get it?"

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