We spreaded out going to different parts of the house.

"That nigga in here." James said and I followed his voice.

"Where bam money?" Chris said hitting him in the face with his gun.

"I don't have it man." He said spitting out blood.

"Where all the product at then?" I said leaning against the door frame.

"It's in my closet." He said as his eye swelled up.

"You got all of it?" James asked him.

"Nah man I smoked half of it." He said as he held his hands up in surrender.

James went in the closet taking two duffles. One filled with money and one filled with drugs.

"Ight any last words?" Chris asked him and before he could say anything James sent two bullets to his head and we looked at him.

"What, he ain't have nothing to say worth hearing." James said and we laughed.

"Kevin can you ta-." I heard a voice behind me and I turned around looking at some girl I'm assuming was his sister.

I pulled my gun out pointing it at her making her shake uncontrollably.

"Who are y'all?" She said and James pushes my gun down.

"Don't worry about it who is you?" James asked.

"I'm Kevin's Cousin Dior." She Said as she stared at my gun then looked over seeing Kevin on the floor and she covered her mouth.

"Come with us if you don't want to get hurt." James said.

"Man no witnesses get left alive you know that shit." I spatted putting my gun back up at her.

"Man chill out she ain't bothering nobody." James said.

He grabbed her arm then took her to the van throwing her in the backseat.

Everybody got in the car and before she could buckle up I pulled off really fast making her fly out her seat.

She looked at me as I stared at her through the rear view mirror.

James just put us all in hot water.


I pulled up to my dad trap getting out the van as James pulled the girl into the building to my dad office.

I followed him and Chris and then we finally went in catching my dad and Ace attention.

"Who is that?" My dad asked and everybody looked at me.

"Don't look at me I told you to kill that bitch James we not suppose to leave no witnesses alive." I said and my dad and Ace looked at James.

"She ain't got nothing to do with kevin not paying his money I feel like she should be let go." James said.

"The bitch can snitch." I yelled at him.

"Chill out kd." My dad said and I sat in the chair next to shorty.

"We can just keep her in the basement." James said and my dad shook his head no.

"You should've just killed her." Ace said. I looked at the girl who leg shook uncontrollably as she rubbed her hands against her pants.

"What yo name baby girl?" My dad asked her.

"Dior." She said looking at him.

"How you know Kevin?" He asked her.

"He's my cousin, I live with him." She said.

"You ain't got no family you can go stay with?" My dad asked and I smacked my lips.

"Dad witnesses suppose to die." I said.

"Shut the fuck up kayden." He said mugging me and I did what he said.

"No that's why I was living with Kevin all we had was eachother." She said and my dad nodded his head.

"Dad why is you sparing her we never spared nobody before?" I asked him.

"Because I just got a feeling she not gone say nothing." He said.

"You want me take her to the basement?" James asked.

"Nah she gone stay with Kayden." He said catching my attention.

"No the hell she ain't, James wanted to save the hoe let her stay with him." I said.

"Nope she staying with you or you fired." He said and I smacked my lips.

"Man dad why you doing this shit to me? I don't even know her." I said and he shrugged.

"Why she cant stay with you?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Because Simone would kill me if I bring some random girl in the house." He said talking about his wife.

Simone been around since I was 8 years old. Her and my dad has a rocky relationship at first since he wasn't ready to move on from my mom.

But when he moved on they eventually got married.

"Whatever let's go shorty." I said standing up grabbing the keys to my Audi.

"Kd do not kill that girl, this yo task for the month do what you gotta do I'll reconsider her staying with you." He said and I left out with her following me.

I got in my car and she got in the passenger seat slowly putting on her seatbelt as tears fell down her face.

I put on my seatbelt driving off towards my house.

I entered the pin to my gate driving off. I got out the car and she did to.

"Come on." I said and she walked slowly examining my house.

I opened the door and she slowly stepped in.
"Move yo ass I ain't got all day." I groaned as I walked up the stairs.

I walked to one of my guest rooms opening the door.

"This yo room, this the only room you allowed in other then the kitchen, it's a bathroom in here it got a shower a tub toilet soap toothpaste towels all that shit you need." I told her.

"It's blankets in that closet over there." I told her.

"Don't touch shit in my house don't go in my room and if you hungry clean up after your self I don't got no maids and shit around here." I told her and she still ain't say nothing.

"If you get bored and wanna watch tv or something go inside the living room but don't sit on my let out couch." I said.

"Don't invite nobody in my shit, don't touch shit, don't let nobody in this bitch and don't check my mailbox." I told her.

"And last but not least don't try to escape because either way you would die my house surrounded by bob wire you'll kill your self trying to escape." I told her.

"It's a pool in the back too but don't get in my pool with your clothes on and don't pee in my shit." I said.

"And oh yeah don't fucking play with me I don't give a fuck what my dad say I'll kill yo ass." I said talking in her face and she slowly nodded.

"What about my clothes?" She said and I turned around leaving the room.

I went in my room grabbing a pack of white shirts,pack of panties, and bras I bought for when I bring hoes home from the club.

I grabbed two pair of basketball shorts then went back in the room throwing it at her.

"I'll stop by and get you some clothes from walmart soon just use that stuff for now." I said.

"Thank you." She said and I left out.

I don't know what my dad was doing but I can already tell ima end up killing this bitch by next week.

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