Stupid Laws part two

Start from the beginning

"I understand many of your doubts and queries. However I am sure that this decision will help to improve Camelot for future generations. Just think of the things we could accomplish with magic on our side. Illnesses can be better treated, battles easily won. Camelot will be protected more than ever before if we allow the practice of magic. Of course there will be rules in place for the practice of dark magic, although the punishments may not always be as severe. We need to show practitioners of magic that we support them and they are welcome here, otherwise Camelot will not grow as we want it too."

The message finally get into their narrow minds and a series of nods and mumbled agreements ripple around the room.

For the first time since Merlin left I allow myself to smile.

"So it is decided. The ban on magic shall be lifted. We will get to work designing new laws surrounding the matter shortly. For now meeting dismissed."

I waste no time scrambling to the door and running to my room. I sit down at my desk and immediately start writing a letter to Merlin.

Dear Merlin,

I have finally convinced the council to repeal the ban on magic! We still need to write new laws ensuring the safety of sorcerers and non-magical folk alike. I was hoping you would be able to aid me in this. I know you are staying a little over a week away at a druid camp, but I hope you can come as soon as possible.

Your three months are up in two weeks. By the time this letter gets to you, you can come home.

That's if you want to of course. I don't want to force you.
I hope you are fairing well, not too much of a mess without me. I certainly am without you.

Love Arthur

I called a guard to send for a messenger. I told the messenger the location of the camp, praying they haven't moved to far by the time they reach there.

I send him off with a nervous feeling in my gut.

All I could do now is wait.

I can do that.


"Arthur! You presence is needed. You know Aglaine and his people are coming today to sign the deal."  Gwaine called through the door.

I'm a nervous wreck. Not only did today mark the beginning of a new era for Camelot, but it was also the day Merlin could return home.

I hadn't heard from him at all. He sent no reply to the letter, and that was two weeks ago.

"I'm coming Gwaine, just give me damn minute." I snap. I hear grumbling then footsteps, indicating that the knight had left.

Reluctantly, I put on my cape and straighten my clothes in an attempt to look presentable. Taking a deep breath I open the door to my chambers and stride down to the Great hall.

Once there I see a hall packed with servants, citizens and noblemen alike all eager for the arrival of the druids.

I take my place on the throne and wait. And wait and wait and wait.

After almost two hours the doors swing open and figures dressed in stunning white robes with large flowing hoods walked into the room. I stood and made my way to greet Aglaine, who was positioned at the head of the group.

To his left was a young man I recognized to be Mordred, the boy I helped smuggle out of Camelot all those years ago.

To his right was a man whose feature were hidden by his cloak. I didn't dwell on him however, I turned my attention back to the leading man.

"Aglaine, I am glad you could make it. It's a pleasure to welcome you to Camelot" I greeted, shaking his hand.

"The pleasure is mine Sire. I have waited many years for this day to come. I see Emrys has fulfilled his destiny after all."

I cock my head in confusion but decide not to question him further.

The ceremony begins with reciting the new laws that will be introduced later today. Then we go over the treaty with the druids, which states if they are ever in need of assistance Camelot will step in and help, and vice versa.

After all the formalities, a large feast is held to honor our guests. It was a very pleasant evening, with various acts of entertainment and marvelous food.

By the end of the night both parties were exhausted. The druids were escorted to the guest wing. Most of the noblemen had cleared out of the banquet hall.

There were only two people left there. The hooded druid and myself.

"Do you need help finding the guest wing." I ask the man, who was still seated at the table.

"No thank you. I already have a room here." The man said, pushing back his hood to reveal a mop of tussled ebony hair.

"Merlin!" I breathe launching myself at him. "Merlin!"

I am practically buzzing with joy. Merlin is giggling in my arms, placing soft kisses on my cheek as I literally jump with glee.

"You came back."

"I promised you. I never break a promise."

I couldn't hold back anymore. Years of pent up feelings towards the servant spilled out. I cupped his face in my hands and slammed my lips against his. He kissed back with as much ferocity and passion as I.

I nibbled at his bottom lip drawing a smile whine from the back of his throat. Oh how I loved that sound.

Before continuing I dragged him to a side door that leads to my chambers.

We ran the entire way, hands entwined and giggling like teenage girls.

Once we reached my chambers I locked the door behind us and resumed the kiss, this time pushing Merlin against the wall earning a throaty moan.

"Are you sure you want this?" I whisper between kisses.

"I have wanted this for a while, as have you. I have never been more sure of anything."

That's all I need to continue. I push Merlin gently onto the bed and straddle him, cloak already discarded.

Not long after the rest of our clothes are in a pile next the bed. I run my hands down Merlin's bate chest, captivated by his beauty.

Merlin rolls his eyes and flips us over so he is on top.

"Was I moving to slow." I say in a low voice. Merlin groaned in response, connecting his lips to my neck creating purple marks.

He moves further down causing sparks of pleasure to course through my body. He reaches my abdomen and sucks slightly harder making my back arch.

A low chuckle escapes him when he sees my reaction.

I let out an involuntary whine when he stops, earning another chuckle. "Who's impatient now." He growls.

"Shut up." I laugh, bringing his lips to mine once more.

(A/N this is as much smut as you are ever going to get so enjoy it 😂😂)

We spend the rest of the night in each other's arms, kissing, talking and laughing. Basking in the others presence that we have been without for too long.

"I am glad your back Merlin." I whisper into his chest, drifting of to sleep.

"So am I Arthur. Now sleep." He cooed, stroking his hand through my hair. I drift of to sleep, truly happy for the first time in a long time.


I am going to write a part three as this is soooo long already and I still have so much more I want to write 😂

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