Needless to say it alerted the bandits to our presence.

"Well done merlin. You have successfully got us caught!"

"We haven't been caught yet!" With that I tear ahead of Arthur, making a beeline to our horses. But of course I don't make it there. I never do.

A bandit jumps out of the foliage and clings onto my back. I fall with a yelp, my face hitting the ground and scrambling my senses.

Arthur is battling two bandits somewhere to my left. He is preoccupied. Good.

I wriggle round to face the man on top of me, flash a smile then whisper a spell under my breath. The man goes flying into a tree, assisted by my foot. I scramble to my feet and start scouring for the prat.

I see him taking on three bandits now. I unsheath the spare sword from Arthur's saddle and rush to join him.

I slash the back of one of the bandits making him fall to the ground with an audible thud.

Arthur looks shocked. "I am full of surprises!" I say with a wink. We both refocus on the battle at hand. Within a few minutes all the bandits are either dead of unconscious.

I sit back against a tree panting for breath. Arthur joins me, seemingly less out of breath than me.

"That was impressive Merlin. You know someday I may let you train with my Knights."

I look at him incredulously. "You would let me, a servant, train with the Knights of Camelot?"

"Well of course. Your not just a servant to me. You are my friend, And a damn good swordsman too." He has an unreadable expression, but his eyes are full of honestly and slight awe.

"I would be honoured." It's true. When I was younger I used to dream of being a knight. It made me feel more normal. You know instead of being a warlock with unexplainable power. When I was practising with Will, my best friend in Ealdor, it made me feel like I could fit in. I have never stopped training. But since I became Arthur's manservant and started to practise my magic, I have had less time to do so.

Arthur gives me a satisfied nod, glad I would agree.

A weird silence descends upon us whilst we catch our breath. We stay seated for a while, the only sound is our breath in the cold winter air.

Suddenly Arthur jumps up and heads to his horse. I follow him, stretching my back out from the awkward position I was in.

"We should head back. We don't want to be here if any of those guys wake up." Arthur states.

I nod in response. To be honest I am a bit upset we didn't get to spend more time alone. Not that I would ever tell him this, but I really value the time we spend together. For some unknown reason it makes me forget about all my troubles.

Not to mention he is stupidly cute. Wait what the hell? Merlin what are you talking about? Do not call the clot pole cute. I feel the blush creep up my face.

Arthur notices to.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"You ok Merlin?" Why does he choose now to be kind?

"Yeah, just cold that's all." I lie. The blush deepens when I catch him smile at me.

I mount my horse, ignoring his stupidly adorable giggle when I almost fall of.

Stupid Arthur with his stupid smile and stupid laugh. Why does he have to be so bloody perfect. "It's not fair!" I mumble without realising.

"You have something you want to say Merlin?" Arthur says with a smirk.

Merlin One-Shots!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin