Parents Find Out: Pharm and Dean

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Dean signed the last of the paperwork before he leaned back in his chair stretched. Life lately had been both crazy and wonderful, it has brought so many wonderful things into his world. One of them was Pharm and their baby. Pharm was doing very well dealing with the renovation on his new restaurant and handling being pregnant at the same time. He made sure he wasn't overdoing it and stayed away from the toxic stuff as the redid the kitchen walls. He also made sure to take breaks when he needed them and take his vitamins every day to keep his uterus strong and to rub stretch mark prevention lotion on his seventeen weeks pregnant belly.

He was so proud of Pharm when he just glared down those people that noticed his bump. Pregnant Pharm was sassy and didn't give a fuck what anyone thought of him being pregnant. He had become a new person with this pregnancy and Dean was all for it. He had changed too, he smiled way more than when they were dating. He would smile when Pharm who unconsciously rub his belly then jump a little when he realized he was doing it. He smile when Pharm entered a room glowing, he understood what those guys say about their wives glowing when they are pregnant cause Pharm glowed too.

Pharm and the baby were definitely the bright light in his world. His home. His whole world. His everything. He would stop at nothing to make sure they were safe and protected, no one would hurt them which included their families. His thoughts turned to tonight's family meeting. They had called Pharm's uncle Kritt, his cousin Sin, his mother and brother who were flying in for the meeting and told them to meet them at their house tonight at seven o'clock. They also called Dean's grandmother, father, mother and Don and Del and also told them to meet them at their house.

They all agreed with a bit of worry in their voices but were told that it was nothing bad. Dean and Pharm had planned to tell Dean's grandmother first when they picked her up cause she were their biggest supporter. They told her that they would pick her up at six and she said okay.

Dean check his watch as saw it was time to leave. He stood up and gather his things before heading out. He almost pumped into his father on the way to the elevator.

"You want to tell me what this meeting is about so I'm not blindsided." His father asked.

"Nope, I have to go pick up grandma so I will see you tonight don't be late." Dean said before hurrying to the elevator. It take about twenty five minutes to get from his work to his grandmother's then another fifteen to get to Team and Win's house where Pharm was hanging out then about ten minutes to get to their house. That left them about ten minutes to just talk with Dean's grandmother.

Dean and Pharm were a little nervous about telling her but they were pretty sure she would be thrilled to be a great grandmother. It was the rest of their family they were worried about. They could totally disown them and it would hurt like hell for Pharm but they would get through it. He didn't think that would happen but you never know what other people are thinking.

The drive to his grandmother's was a silent one. He just drove until he saw the turn to pull into her driveway. He parked the car in front of her house to find her waiting on a porch chair.

"Hey grandma" he said going over to her. She smiled and stood to greet him.

"Hello my handsome grandson" she said hugging him before looking behind him for Pharm.

"Where is Pharm?" She asked.

"We are going to pick him up at his friend's house." He said as he lead her to the car.

"Oh, I can't wait to see him and tell him about this new recipe I found." She said once they were in the front seats.

"Grandma, there is something different about Pharm that I want you to be aware of so you don't have a heart attack." Dean said.

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