Dealing With Haters: Intouch and Korn

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"Ocean, Marlow, I swear if I catch you in the cookie jar one more time, you are both are in serious trouble!!" Intouch said as his children scurry off to hide with their cookies they stole. Intouch sighed as he put the cookie jar on the top shelf in the pantry. He was usually a patience and kind person but these kids were testing him. The moment Korn got home he was pushing his two year old and his five year old out the door with him and telling him to not come back till dinner time. It was his turn to have some time to himself.

These past two years were an adjustment and rewarding. When Ocean was born they weren't at all prepared, they had no clothes nor diapers for a baby, they had had nothing since they given it all away to a friend from Korn's work. That night when Intouch was sleeping in the hospital, Korn went out and bought a ton of stuff for the baby including clothes, crib, diapers and wipes. He then went home and with the help of Krit cleared out the guest bedroom before setting up a nursery.

When Intouch came home the next day with the children he was shocked to see the new nursery already done. He had been dreading putting everything together since he was still healing but Korn had everything handled and all he had to do was heal. Alex was gracious enough to give Korn three weeks off all paid instead of the fifteen days that the government provides. Korn took care of Ocean and Marlow for the first week before Intouch said he wanted to help now that he was feeling better.

It was definitely and adjustment raising two kids instead of one but it was rewarding because now Marlow had someone to grow up with and they had a full family. Marlow was extremely protective of her little brother and would get upset every time he cried thinking that he was hurting. Her parents had to calm her down and tell her that Ocean can't tell them what he needs like she could so he cries to let them know he needs something.

Marlow was still as brave and intelligent and kind hearted as she was when she was three and was getting more beautiful as time went by, so much so that when she was older they were planning on asking her if she would like to get into modeling. If she chose to not get into modeling they would be okay with it.

Ocean still looked like his dad and acted like him too. He was more on the quiet side like his dad and really liked to just follow Marlow wherever she went even if it led him into trouble.

As for Intouch and Korn, they were doing very well and even more in love with each other. In a few days they would celebrate their eight years being a couple and Intouch had planned it all out.

"I'm home" Korn's voice said. Intouch left the kitchen and headed into the living room.

"Take your children and get out of my house before I strangle you and them." He said handing him Marlow and Ocean's coats and shoes that he just grabbed.

"I just got home" Korn said.

"I don't care, it's my turn for some time away from them." Intouch said as the kids came running in the living room to greet their father.

"Daddy!!" They yelled excitedly. Korn squated down as they came over and hugged him.

"Have you two been good for Papa?" He said before the two devils put on an innocent face.

"Yes" they said.

"That's not what I heard" Korn said making the kids give crocodile tears.

"Those won't work and you know it you two." Intouch said before Korn sighed. He then helped Marlow and Ocean get their shoes and coat on before he stood and kissed Intouch.

"Love you"

"Love you too" Intouch said before watching them leave.

Korn buckled his children in his car before closing their doors and getting into the driver's seat. As he drove to a place where kids could play safely indoors, he talked to his children about behaving for Papa and how he expects them to help out and do whatever their Papa says. They said they were sorry and Korn told them that if he hears that they are getting into things they know they shouldn't that he would take privileges away. They said okay as they all arrived at the indoor bounce house.

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