It's Time: Hao Ting and Yu Xi Gu

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"Look, you are coming out tomorrow so please stop kicking me." Yu Xi Gu said rubbing where Leo was kicking him.

"He must be impatient to meet his parents." Hao Ting said.

"Yeah well he needs to be patient." Yu Xi Gu said as he got settled into bed for the night. Hao Ting chuckled as he got into the other side of the bed before he turned of the bedside lamp and the room went dark.

The next morning, Yu Xi Gu woke first and slipped out of bed to take a shower. He was a little upset that he couldn't eat any till after the c-section but he would deal with it. Hao Ting had told him that he wouldn't eat anything too but Yu Xi Gu told him that one of them should have something to eat to get their energy up and since he couldn't, it had to be Hao Ting. He just couldn't eat in front of him, that was the rule.

When he finished his shower and left their bedroom bathroom Hao Ting wasn't in bed anymore. He must be downstairs making himself something to eat. He went into their walk-in closet and got dressed in male maternity clothes that Hao Ting's sister made for him awhile ago. He then went back into the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair. Halfway through doing that Hao Ting came into the bathroom and kissed the side of his head before stripping down and turning on the shower. He got inside and sighed in pleasure as the warm water ran down his body.

"Are you nervous?" Yu Xi Gu asked after brushing his teeth.

"I'm nervous but also excited." Hao Ting said.

"Same" Yu Xi Gu said before sighing.

"What's wrong?" Hao Ting said as he finished washing his hair.

"What if we aren't good parents?" He asked suprising Hao Ting. "What if we mess up his life"

"We will be good parents cause we will work on it every day and make sure he has a good life." Hao Ting said.

"Leo isn't even here yet and I'm already thinking about his future." He said making Hao Ting smile. He finished cleaning himself and quickly rinsed off before shutting off the water and getting out. He wrapped his waist with a towel before using another towel to wipe his chest.

"It's normal from what I hear from the ladies at work that have children." He said. Yu Xi Gu smiled and turned to face his boyfriend and that word hit a bit of pain in his heart. They had talked and talked and talked about getting married but Hao Ting would just push it off and say that they should wait till he had saved more and could pay for a wedding that Yu Xi Gu deserved. Yu Xi Gu told him that he didn't need a big wedding and would be happy with just going down to the courthouse and getting married there.

Hao Ting threw that idea away saying that he didn't want to tell their child that they got married at a courthouse. Yu Xi Gu told him just to propose already and that they would figure it all out later but Hao Ting pushed it off again and told him that he would propose at the most important and happy moment of their lives. Yu Xi Gu decided to let that go and focus on other things.

"I'm glad you are getting advice from other parents, we could use all the advice we can get." He said making Hao Ting chuckle.

"We will be okay, I'm going to get dressed then we can head to the hospital." He said before leaving their bathroom. Their c-section appointment was in an hour and it took forty minutes to get to the hospital from their house. He left the bathroom and headed downstairs where he slipped on his shoes. He pulled out his phone from his maternity jeans and texted Hao Ting's sister and their friends that they were headed to the hospital and would hopefully see everyone tomorrow afternoon. They all responded with good lucks and send pictures when he's here.

Men Can't Get Pregnant Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora