I'm Pregnant: Zon and Saifah

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Zon woke up and groaned, he was confused on why he was on the floor. He stood up and everything from before he passed out hit him as he saw the pregnancy tests on the counter, he started to panic as he shook his head. He can't be pregnant. How is this even possible since men can't get pregnant? Obviously he was since he has six tests all saying he was. What was he going to do? What was his family going to say? Oh God, what was Saifah going to say?

They never talked about children in the five years they've been together, in fact he wasn't sure they wanted children. Suddenly everything became to much and he felt like he couldn't breath. He needed air, he needed to get out of this house, he needed to get in his car and drive away, far far away. His feet moved before he could even think about anything else. He ran through the house like he was being chased by some soul eating demon and when he got to the door he threw it open to see Saifah with his guitar case getting out of his car looking very tired. He ignored him as he tried to take deep breaths and bent to put his head between his legs.

"Zon!!" Saifah said as his voice got closer to him. A hand on his back made him straighten up and pull away.

"I need to go, I need to leave, I need to breathe."

"Take a deep breath and tell me what the hell is going on." He said. He couldn't handle this right now he needed to leave and go some place to think. He moved passed Saifah but he only took a few steps before an arm grabbed his arm and made him stop.

"Zon, what is going on with you and where do you think you are going at this-" he said before being cut off.

"I'M PREGNANT!!" Zon yelled before bursting into tears and ripping his arm free before running to his car and getting in it. He didn't even look at Saifah as he started the car, backed out of the driveway and drove off.

Pregnant...as in he's going to have a baby? Saifah stood there stunned as Zon's car took off out of sight. When he left his meeting he was ready to go home and cuddle up to Zon and fall asleep. As he was driving home he couldn't help but think about how Zon changed his life. He turned him from a player who didn't care who he hurt to a man who wanted to spend the rest of his life with one person and be a better man for him.

Zon was his everything and someone he would wanted to raise a family with and this was their chance. They hadn't really talked about having kids but now they were actually having a baby. He needed to find Zon and tell him that he wanted to keep the baby and raise it with him. He must be out of his mind right now and the worst thing for him is to be driving with this on his mind.

He quickly jumped into action and raced to his car and got in throwing his guitar case into the back seat before starting the car and taking off. He hit a button on his steering wheel before he told bluetooth to call Zon. He drove and looked out for Zon's car as he listened to it ring for a bit before going to voicemail. He hit the button again and again told bluetooth to call Zon. He turn left when he needed to, eyes peeled for Zon's car as he listened to the ringing. He searched every where he could think of and called him a bunch more times but still he couldn't find him and he still wouldn't answer the phone.

Zon sat in the parking lot of a book store crying as he saw Saifah's name pop up on his console for the fifteenth time. He couldn't talk to him right now as he was still trying to decide what to do about the baby. Did he want to go through with the pregnancy or did he want to terminate it? Did he want to be looked at like a freak or choose the easy way out? If Saifah did want it could he break his heart and choose to abort it? Thinking about breaking Saifah's heart just made him cry more, he never wanted to see him sad, hell he had a hard time seeing his gentle giant sick.

Was he ready for a baby? Who was he kidding no one is ever ready for a baby. He took a deep breath and looked down at his stomach, who was he to deny someone the right to live? He knew it was his body and he should be able to do with it as he sees fit but could he live with the guilt of killing someone. He looked up at his console to see Saifah's name again. Would he leave him if he chose to abort it? Tears filled his eyes again but he quickly pushed them back.

He thought about his life if he did have a kid, he or she would probably look like him but be more like Saifah. He or she would probably want to grow up to be a musician or maybe a doctor or maybe be like him and be a writer. If he or she was LGBTQ he would stand and support him or her and he would be there for graduation and when he or she got married he was either going to walk her down the aisle or clap him on the back and cheer the loudest when he walked back down the aisle with his partner. Zon made his decision. He was going to keep it.

He jumped when someone banged on his window, he looked over to see Saifah with a worried and relieved look on his face. Zon took a deep breath and wiped away tears before he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door. He gasped when he was pulled out and lifted into Saifah's arms and crushed to his chest.

"I don't care if we are fighting or what, don't you ever drive off on me again, do you understand me?" He asked. "I was so worried that you had left me and weren't coming back."

"I'm not leaving you, I will never leave you again I promise." He said wrapping his arms around him and smiling.

"Whatever you want to do about the baby I will support you but I really want to raise a family with you." Saifah said as Zon pulled back to look at him.

"You won't care if I get fat?"

"You wouldn't get fat you will be round with our child."

"You won't care if I get swollen ankles and waddle like a penguin and eat all your food."

"I can't wait to see you waddle like a penguin cause it will be sexy as hell and I will rub you ankles when they get swollen and you can eat my food I don't care." He said.

"Then let's got home cause our baby is making me tired." Zon said. Saifah smiled and kissed him.

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