Dealing With Haters: Pharm and Dean

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"Come on Meadow" Caspian said as he was released from the prison that was his booster seat. Dean had just removed his two year old daughter from her car seat and was trying to carry her to the grass but she kept wiggling and begging to be put down so she could be with Caspian. Those two were best friends along with Birdie making them the three amigos even though the two kids were three years apart. They did everything together, anywhere Caspian and Birdie went you better believe that Meadow is right behind him.

Caspian was still the same sweet and independent boy who loves his dog and sister. He also loves BTS and watching Land Before Time in Thai. His sister who still looks like Pharm, is sweet and independent but has a wild side that only Caspian can tame. Pharm and Dean were in awe of them since neither were as close to their siblings as those two.

"I coming" Meadow said still struggling to get out of her father's hold.

"Wait a second Meadow, let me get to the sidewalk first." Dean said as they crossed the parking lot to get to the sidewalk that lead to the picnic area. They were here at a park to celebrate the adoption of Win and Team's one month old daughter Moonlight.

Dean made it to the sidewalk and set his two year old down before she took off after her brother who was already almost to the playground. Caspian had turned right before he got there to wait for his sister. Dean and Pharm watched as Caspian helped Meadow onto the stairs of the playground and smiled at their cuteness. They walked down the same sidewalk but turned onto a different path that lead to the picnic area where Win, Team, Manow, Pruk and Win and Team's family were.

"Hey you guys" Pharm said as they came up to Win and Team.

"Glad you could make it" Win said.

"Like we would have missed you guys becoming parents for the first time." Dean said.

"Thanks anyway" Team said as he burped Moonlight.

"Good luck with the no sleep and two a.m feedings." Dean said making Pharm hit his arm. Dean just smiled and chuckled before looking over at the playground to check on his kids. Caspian was helping Meadow go down the little slide which made Dean smile.

"Enjoy each moment, don't let the little stuff get to you and don't take your eyes of her even for a second cause they grow up so dang fast." Dean said as he looked back at his friends. "That's the best advice I can give you."

"Thanks Dean, we really appreciate it." Win said.

"We won't take our eyes off her." Team said. They all talked and laughed and shared stories about their experiences and adventures all while someone in the park was having a different experience. A seventeen year old was about to change their lives forever.

Banks Lee was so sick of people. He was done with entitled rich boys who think they can get away with anything. These stupid assholes would grab his backpack and dump it out, they'd throw him up against lockers or lock him in them, they'd beat the crap out of him every day after school. They tied him to a tree and left him there all night till the janitor found him and untied him.

They made his life miserable and no one did a damn thing to help him even though he asked for it. He told the principal who did nothing but say boys will be boys because the boys that were bullying him were soccer players. The police weren't interested and his parents told him that if he wasn't such a loser then he wouldn't be bullied. That was the moment he knew no one would ever help which is why he had to do it himself. Today was that day. He stole his father's modern AK 47 and hid it in his old guitar case. He was going to stop them no matter what it took.

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