Learning To Walk And Talk: Intouch and Korn

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Korn never felt more exhausted in his life than in these last few months. He loved his daughter but she flipped a switch when she turned a year old and became this wild little girl who likes to sit up and crawl every where. They put her in her playpen and turned around to do something and a minute later they would turn back to check on her and she would be out of her playpen and crawling half way across the room.

They are surprised that she isn't walking but they have a suspicion that she just likes crawling too much. They tried everything to get her to walk but she was grin at them before speed crawling away. They talked to Marlow's doctor and she said to keep trying to encourage her to walk. They also told her that she hasn't talked yet and she said that some children take longer to develop communication skills. They just needed to continue talking to her. Intouch and Korn has been giving it all they had and will continue to do their best to get their daughter where she needed to go.

Everything else was fine, he was still working with Alex and Intouch loved being a stay at home dad even with all the things going with Marlow. Marlow looked more like him but her personality was more like her dad minus the wild side of her. She loved her parents but each parent said that they were her favorite.

Korn put the rest of the groceries away while Intouch prepared fresh fruit for Marlow's snack. As he turned around to face him the song that they were listening to ended and another one started. Intouch smiled knowing the song well, he loved Butter by BTS. It was one of the songs he couldn't help but dance to. After putting down the knife he started dancing a little, he moved around as he put the fruit in the kid bowl.

Korn watched his adorable husband dance before noticing something in the corner of his eye. He looked over and his eyes widened from shock at the sight. Marlow had pulled herself up with the help of chair legs and was now letting it go taking her first steps towards the radio.

"Intouch look at Marlow" he said making Intouch stop and look up.

"Oh my goodness" he said in shock. Marlow got a hold of the couch and was now bending her knees up and down like she was dancing. Korn quickly pulled out his phone and recorded the whole thing on his camera. The couple slowly walked over to her as she continued dancing. They watched for a good minute till she noticed them and stopped everything immediately, dropping on to her butt.

"Don't stop now Marlow" Intouch said. "That was so good."

Korn moved over to her and helped her back onto her feet before the next song came one. Dynamite by BTS played and they all had a really good time helping her walk and dance andsession just having a moment with their daughter.

After the dance and snack it was time for a nap...or so they thought. Currently, they were engaged in an unintentional game of hide and seek. Marlow was hiding and they were seeking. They searched every where and couldn't find her and now we're starting to panic. How could they turn there back for like five seconds and she disappears to God knows where.

Korn entered Marlow's room and quickly looked around. As he was checking the closet he heard giggling from behind him. He turned around and waited till he heard it again. He heard it again from underneath her crib, they were now going to have to get a new crib that she can't crawl under.

He got down on his stomach and looked under the crib to see Marlow smiling at him.

"Found her" Korn said before shaking his head in disbelief. Intouch ran in and saw him on the floor trying to get Marlow to come out. He got down next to him and tried to get her out.

"No" she said scooting back. They froze in shock. She just said her first word.

"She just..." Intouch said.

"Yeah" he said before reaching over and grabbing her foot as she tried to escape them.

"No" Marlow said.

"You cannot stay in there young lady." Korn said carefully dragging her out. They all stood up and stared at her.

"She just said..." Intouch said still in shock.

"Yes In, she said her first word and her second word is going to be daddy." Korn said confidently. Intouch snapped out of his shock and gave him a yeah right look.

"In your dreams, she is totally a Papa's girl."

"Keep up with these delusions and we might have to go to the hospital." Korn said.

"Bite me" he said as Korn put Marlow on the changing table to change her diaper.

"Maybe tonight I will"

"Now who is delusional" he said.

"Oh I'm not delusional, I'm stating facts." Korn said as he changed her diaper. He picked her up when he finished and took her her to her crib and placed her down in it before placing her favorite blanket over her.

"Sweet dreams sweetheart" Intouch said stroking her hair. Marlow began to try to sit up but they gently pushed her back down.

"Pa-Pa-Pa....Papa" she cried out making Intouch fight back tears.

"You need a nap baby girl." Korn said. Marlow stared up at her fathers and saw Korn's determined look and knew that she wasn't going to get her way so she just stayed still.

"Have a good nap" Korn said before they left the room.

"Told you she would say my name first." Intouch teased once they were in their room for their nap.

"Oh shut up" he said.

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