It's Time: Pharm and Dean

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Pharm was furious right now with his replacement Chef, Brandon Collinwood. Pharm was usually a chill guy minus the pregnancy hormones but right now chill Pharm was gone and murderous Pharm was present. Brandon Fucking Collinwood was a two faced asshole who was trying to steal his restaurant from him. Within two months this guy had changed the name of his restaurant, changed his menu and hired new people that were obviously not Pharm approved. He also had been looking for the deed to the restaurant and when he couldn't find it had forged one.

The bastard even recently fired some of the employees that were loyal to him and told them Pharm said too. He had no clue this was going on due to the asshole sending him fake sales reports, he should have known that something was fishy with the sales but he was so busy with getting ready for the baby he didn't notice it. The only reason he knows now was thanks to a loyal employee who was recently fired from the restaurant by Brandon. He hadn't wanted to call Pharm due to him being only a day way from his c-section but this was Pharm's baby and he wasn't going to let some asshole take it from him.

Pharm would have let Dean deal with this but he was in a meeting for another two hours. He did call their lawyer and told him the situation then told him to meet him at the restaurant before hanging up not wanting to hear from the lawyer that it's a bad idea to go down there in his condition. He was freaking pissed and it didn't matter that he had some back pain.

When he arrived at his restaurant he got a look at the name that bastard put up. Brandon's. Yeah right, over his dead body. His lawyer's car pulled up next to his car and he heard the engine shut off before his lawyer, Xavier got out of the car.

"Pharm, I think this is a bad idea, you are about to have a kid tomorrow and don't need this kinda of stress right now, let me take care of this." Xavier said.

"Xavier...this asshole tried to take my restaurant, the restaurant I put my blood, sweat and tears into and I will be damned if I let someone else take this fucker down." Pharm said. Xavier sighed before rubbing the back of his head with one hand.

"Fine but try and stay calm and don't attack him."

"I'll try but no promises" Pharm said before they went inside. Pharm bit back a cry of outrage at the first inside look at his restaurant. The bastard had changed most of it and turned it from the fancy restaurant it was into basically a Hooters bar.

"Welcome to Brandon's can I get you a booth or table?" A young woman he had never seen before said. Pharm ignored her and moved towards the back.

"Sir, you can't go back there!!" She said.

"Oh the hell yes I can, this is my restaurant and I'm taking it back." He said as he and Xavier made it to the back. Pharm threw open the door making everyone look to see who it was. Brandon's eyes widened when he saw him.

"Brandon Collinwood, you are a dead man."

"This is my restaurant now and I am going to have to ask you to leave." Brandon said.

"Pharm is the legal owner of this restaurant and you need to vacate the premises immediately." Xavier said.

"I have the deed to the place so it's mine." Brandon said smugly.

"Oh really cause I'm pretty sure this is the deed to my restaurant." Pharm said holding up the deed to the build.

"Obviously a forgery" Brandon said before pointing to a picture frame on the wall. Who the hell puts the "deed" to a restaurant on the wall?

"I think that one is the forgery and we have all of the documents to prove that my client is the rightful owner." Xavier said. "I bet you have done this before, you know I am friends with the chef of police and I'm sure he would do a background check on you Brandon, if that is your real name."

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