Tired, Sick and Hormonal Oh Boy: Intouch and Korn

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Intouch smiled for a picture in his cap and gown. He had just graduated and was outside the graduation building taking pictures with his family and friends. He finished taking pictures and  while everyone was talking amongst themselves Intouch had spotted Korn with his family and friends. Korn must have felt someone looking at him cause he looked up and looked around before his gaze found his. Korn smiled at him then winked at him before he looked away. Intouch smiled to himself before looking back at his family.

Things were going well with their plans to escape. They had talked to Saint and were told that they would get the guest house in the backyard and that every was ready for their arrival next month. They had also been packing things up but only stuff that was not noticeable and only a few things each day since they had to sneak everything out the window in boxes by a pulley before having it sent to Saint's house by UPS.

Intouch smile feel as he smelled sushi someone was eating somewhere near him. He had been getting sick a lot but always when he was around something nasty smelling. He also felt tired more than usual and would fall asleep the moment he got home from university till his parents woke him up for dinner. Everyone thought it was stress cause of it being the last few weeks of school and he was studying like crazy then at night packing things and lowering them on a pulley to Korn who would take them to car and ship them early the next morning.

"Hey, I have to use the restroom so why don't you guys head to the car and I'll meet you there." He said trying to fight back the waves of nausea. His parent just agree thinking they had won the battle of breaking him and Korn up but soon they would realize that Intouch and Korn would win the war.

Intouch hurried off to the bathroom and quickly got into a booth and locked it before kneeling down and throwing up. What was going on with him?

"In, you okay?" His friend, Krit said. Intouch panted when he finished throwing up before grabbing some toilet paper and wiping his mouth.

"I'm fine now just wasn't feeling well all of a sudden." He said before picking himself off the floor.

"If you weren't a guy I would think that you were pregnant cause you sleep all the time and throw up a lot and you haven't been yourself lately." Krit said. He was right. Intouch who is usually a calm and happy guy has for the pass two weeks been acting out more when his father tired to control him or get on his nerves.

Intouch's body tensed and he felt like the whole world froze. It made sense. All of it. Being hormonal, being tried all the time and being nauseous any time he smells certain foods. He looked down at his stomach, was he really pregnant?

"You okay in there?" Krit asked. Intouch unlocked the door and tried to put a facade that he was okay.

"You just needed a minute" he said before he went to the sink to rinse his mouth. When he finished he noticed Krit holding out a piece of gum, he took it before unwrapping it and popping it in his mouth. He thanked him before they left the bathroom and headed to return the gowns. Intouch said goodbye to Krit when they reached it before he got into his sister's car. His parents had brought their own car but Intouch really didn't want to be in their car.

"How does it feel to finally graduate university?" She asked as she pulled out of her parking space.

"Good" he said.

"How do you want to celebrate?" She asked. "I know our parents are just going to go home cause they are tired from all the cheering and clapping."

"Can we stop at the grocery store?"

"You want to celebrate at a store?" She said making her daughter in the backseat giggle.

"No, I just need to grab a few things."

"Okay" she said letting whatever he was planning go. They drove about ten minutes to the nearest grocery store before she parked in the parking lot.

"I'll be right back" he said before jumping out and heading inside. He went to the aisle that had the pregnancy test before he grabbed four of them then went and got soft blanket to cover the test up in the bag. He bought the items before going back to the car.

"You got a blanket?" She said surprised.

"It's always cold in my room and I need it as an extra layer to keep me warm." He lied. He hated lying to his sister but he couldn't tell her the real reason for the blanket. They ended up going to dinner to celebrate before heading home. Once there Intouch excused himself from his family time and headed upstairs to the bathroom where he walked in and closed the door before locking it. He then took the blanket out and then the tests before he got them all out of the boxes and read the directions then pulled out his phone and set an alarm for five minutes.

He took his cap off and threw it down on the counter forgetting it was there in the first place before he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them and his briefs down. He sat on the toilet before he peed on every single on of the sticks. After that he wiped himself clean then stood and pulled up his briefs and pants. He hit start in his phone and the waiting game began. Five minutes went by so slow and when it was finally time Intouch look at the test and shock lit up his face. He was pregnant.

Hey guys, just want to say that I have been working really hard on not only this chapter but five more chapters that will be published soon

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